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Seasonal transition of hydrological processes in a slow‐moving landslide in a snowy region
Authors:Hikaru Osawa  Yuki Matsushi  Sumio Matsuura  Takashi Okamoto  Tatsuya Shibasaki  Hiroyuki Hirashima
Affiliation:1. Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan;2. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan;3. Forest Research and Management Organization, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan;4. Japan Conservation Engineers & Co., Ltd., Fukushima, Fukushima, Japan;5. Snow and Ice Research Center, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Niigata, Japan
Abstract:A comprehensive understanding of seasonal hydrological dynamics is required to describe the influence of pore‐water pressure on the stability of landslides in snowy regions. This study reports on the results of continuous meteorological and hydrological observations over 2 years on a landslide body comprising Neogene sedimentary rocks in northern Japan, where a thick (3–5 m) seasonal snowpack covers the land surface. Monitoring of the volumetric water content in shallow unsaturated zones (<0.8 m depth) and pore‐water pressure in saturated bedrock at depths of 2.0 and 5.2 m revealed clear seasonality in hydrological responses to rainfall and meltwater supply. During snow‐free periods, both the shallow soil moisture and deep pore‐water pressure responded rapidly to intense rainwater infiltration. In contrast, during snowmelt, the deep pore pressure fluctuated in accordance with the daily cycle of meltwater input, without notable changes in shallow moisture conditions. During occasional foehn events that cause intense snow melting in midwinter, meltwater flows preferentially through the layered snowpack, converging to produce a localized water supply at the ground surface. This episodically triggers a significant rise in pore‐water pressure. The seasonal differences in hydrological responses were characterized by a set of newly proposed indices for the magnitude and quickness of increases in the pressure head near the sliding surface. Under snow‐covered conditions, the magnitude of the pressure increase tends to be suppressed, probably owing to a reduction in infiltration caused by a seasonal decrease in the permeability of surface soils, and effective pore‐water drainage through the highly conductive colluvial layer. Deep groundwater flow within bedrock remained in a steady upwelling state, enhanced by increasing moisture in shallow soils under snow cover, reflecting the convergence of subsurface water from surrounding hillslopes.
Keywords:field monitoring  foehn wind  pore‐water pressure  seasonal snowpack  soil moisture  subsurface hydrological response
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