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The Early and Middle Weichselian in Norway: a review
Affiliation:Geologisk institutt, avd. B. Allégt. 41 N-5014 Bergen-Universitet, Norway
Abstract:All Known sites with fossils and ‘non-till sediments’ of possible Early and Middle Weichselian age in Norway are discussed. Along the west coast there are many sites marine shells which have been dated by means of radiocarbon, amino acids and thorium/uranium methods. Some sites are also correlated by means of underlying Eemian sequences. A tentative glaciation curve for western Norway indicates a first glacial advance soon after the end of the Eemian. There are indications of another re-advance around 40,000 B.P., and the Late Weichselian maximum (maxima?) occurred somewhere between 30,000 B.P. and 13,000 B.P. Parts of the coast may have been ice-free for most of the remaining periods. From the central parts of the country are known bones (e.g. mammoth), glaciolacustrine and fluvial sediments, peat, etc. The newly discovered site with peat of Brumunddal can very probably be correlated with the Jämtland Interstadial in Sweden, and the Brørup Interstadial in Denmark. If this is correct, nearly the whole of southern Scandinavia must have been deglaciated during the interstadial.
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