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Seismicity wedge beneath the Upper Rhine Graben due to backwards Alpine push?
Authors:Jean-Bernard Edel   Hubert Whitechurch  Marc Diraison
Affiliation:aEcole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (UMR 7516 of CNRS and University Strasbourg I), 5 rue Descartes, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Abstract:The distribution of hypocentres in the Upper Rhine Graben area is re-examined, and discussed with respect to the present day tectonic framework. Most earthquakes occur within a N60° striking wedge, located on top of a Moho dome. This wedge is limited by the surface and at depth, by a plane which, in the south of the dome, coincides with the SE dipping Conrad discontinuity. In depth, the seismicity shows a normal distribution the maximums of which are located on a surface dipping 6° towards SE, parallel to the south-eastward dipping Conrad and Moho. This surface outcrops along the north-western edge of the uplifted crystalline Vosges and Black-Forest. The main shocks in earthquake swarms in the region often occur in the vicinity of this surface and along pre-existing N–S to NE–SW Variscan or Tertiary faults and show focal mechanisms of strike-slip. In contrast, part of the aftershocks show focal mechanisms of reverse faulting associated with SE–NW striking compression. The seismic wedge and the north-westward rising seismic surface suggest initiation of crustal ramp, which starts at the south-eastern rim of the Conrad dome and which may become a thrust plane if SE–NW compression continues. In the south-eastern edge of the graben and above the south-eastern ridge of the Moho dome, where evidences for extension have been found, we identify clustering of hypocentres along a surface that strikes N150°, parallel to the main compression and dipping towards NE. Dominant normal faulting mechanisms along this surface suggests initiation of a normal, probably listric fault. At depth, the onset of the future fault plane is located on top of the NW–SE striking ridge of the lower crust and Moho, which act as a an indenter. In addition to thrusting of the whole wedge towards NW, increasing of NW–SE compression would lead to the formation of a half graben at the place of the present Sierentz depression.
Keywords:Seismicity   Rhine Graben   Normal fault   Thrust
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