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Petrotectonic setting of the provenance of Lower Siwalik sandstones of the Himalayan foreland basin,southeastern Kumaun Himalaya,India
Authors:Pradeep K. Goswami  Tanuja Deopa
Affiliation:Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Geology, Kumaun University, Nainital, India
Abstract:Detailed petrography and modal analysis of 35 sandstone thin sections was carried out to determine petrotectonic setting of the provenance of the Lower Siwalik molasse of southeastern Kumaun Himalaya. The sandstones are fine‐ to coarse‐grained (0.14–0.63 mm), poorly‐ to moderately‐sorted and comprise lithic arenites, sublithic arenites and lithic greywackes. The sandstones invariably belong to the quartzolithic QtFL (Qt, total quartz; F, feldspar; L, lithic grains) and QmFLt (Qm, monocrystalline quartz; Lt, lithic grains plus polycrystalline quartz) petrofacies, and indicate their derivation from a quartzose‐ and transitional‐recycled orogen provenance under sub‐humid climatic conditions. The framework composition of the sandstones comprises abundant monocrystalline and polycrystalline quartz and low‐ to high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments, along with subordinate feldspar, characterized by low ratios of plagioclase to total feldspar, and accessory minerals. The framework composition and petrofacies characters of these texturally submature sandstones suggest their derivation mainly from the nearby located Great Himalaya terrane and subordinately from the Tethys and Lesser Himalayan terranes. A comparison of the data presented here with the previous similar data from Lower Siwalik of northwestern Pakistan, northwestern India, south‐central Kumaun, western Nepal and southeastern Nepal reveals that like the Lower Siwalik rivers in other sections, the Lower Siwalik rivers of the southeastern Kumaun too drained large parts of the Great Himalayan terrane and some parts of the Tethys and Lesser Himalayan terranes.
Keywords:Kumaun Himalaya  Lower Siwalik  petrofacies  petrography  provenance
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