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Neoproterozoic nappes and superposed folding of the Itremo Group, west-central Madagascar
Authors:Robert D Tucker  Timothy M Kusky  Robert Buchwaldt  Michael J Handke

aDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA

bDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA

Abstract:The Precambrian geology of west-central Madagascar is reviewed and re-interpreted in light of new field observations, Landsat Thematic Mapper image analysis, and U–Pb geochronology. The bedrock of the area consists of: (1) late Archean (to Paleoproterozoic) migmatite gneiss and schist; (2) Mesoproterozoic stratified rocks (Itremo, Amborompotsy, and Malakialina Groups) perhaps deposited unconformably on the older metamorphic rocks (1, above); (3) Proterozoic (not, vert, similar 1000 Ma–720 Ma) plutonic rocks emplaced into both units above (1 and 2), and; (4) latest Neoproterozoic to middle Cambrian (not, vert, similar 570–520 Ma) granitoids emplaced as regionally discordant and weakly foliated plutons throughout the regions.

The effects of Neoproterozoic orogenic processes are widespread throughout the region and our observations and isotopic measurements provide important constraints on the tectonic history of the region: (i) Archean gneisses and Mesoproterozoic stratified rocks are the crystalline basement and platformal sedimentary cover, respectively, of a continental fragment of undetermined tectonic affinity (East or West Gondwanan, or neither). (ii) This continental fragment (both basement and cover) was extensively invaded by subduction-related plutons in the period from not, vert, similar 1000 Ma to not, vert, similar 720 Ma that were emplaced prior to the onset of regional metamorphism and deformation. (iii) Continental collision related to Gondwana's amalgamation began after not, vert, similar 720 Ma and before not, vert, similar 570 Ma. Collision related deformation and metamorphism continued throughout the rest of the Neoproterozoic with thermal effects that lasted until not, vert, similar 520 Ma. The oldest structures produced during continental collision were km-scale fold- and thrust-nappes with east or southeast-directed vergence (present-day direction). They resulted in the inversion and repetition of Archean and Proterozoic rocks throughout the region. During this early phase of convergence warm rocks were thrust over cool rocks thereby producing the present distribution of regional metamorphic isograds. The vergence of the nappes and the distribution of metamorphic rocks are consistent with their formation within a zone of west or northwest-dipping continental convergence (present-day direction). (iv) Later upright folding of the nappes (and related folds and thrusts) produced km-scale interference fold patterns. The geometry and orientation of these younger upright folds is consistent with E–W horizontal shortening (present-day direction) within a sinistral transpressive regime. We relate this final phase of deformation to motion along the Ranotsara and related shear zones of south Madagascar, and to the initial phases of lower crustal exhumation and extensional tectonics within greater Gondwana.

Keywords:Madagascar  Gondwana  Itremo Group  Tectonics  Nappes  Neoproterozoic orogeny  U–Pb geochronology
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