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引用本文:吴一刚. 地形表面反射强度的数学层析成像方法[J]. CT理论与应用研究, 1997, 6(3): 19-25
摘    要:若二维RF窄波反射函数是定义在地面一圆形区域内部的,并假定该圆域表面介质是弱反射介质,那么在给定时刻,接收发射器(如机载合成孔径雷达)所接收到的近回数据可视 过该圆域的一圆弧上的线积分值,Mumson,et,al。在假定圆域半径与接收发射器运动路径到该圆域中心的距离相比很小的情况,用直线上的线积分值来代替圆弧线上的线积分值,利用古典的Radon变换方法,给出了该圆域反射函数的成像模式。本文将克服这

关 键 词:合成孔径雷达 层析成像 地形表面 反射强度

A Mathematical Reconstruction Method of Reflectivity Function on A Circuit Terrain Surface
Wu Yigang. A Mathematical Reconstruction Method of Reflectivity Function on A Circuit Terrain Surface[J]. Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications, 1997, 6(3): 19-25
Authors:Wu Yigang
Abstract:If a narrow RF wave is emited into a two dimentional weakly reflecting medium in a circular domain on the terrain from a source receiver which moves along a line over the domain, the resulting echo data that the source receiver receives urder spotlight mode SAR can be regarded as a line integral value of the reflectivity function along a segment of arc through the domaim at a given time. Supposing that compared with the distance of the trace line along which the source receiver moves to the center of the circular domain, the radium of the circular domain is very small, Munson etal regarded the line integral values along arc throngh the domain as the line integral values along lines through the domain and gave out the formula for reconstructing the reflectivity function by using classical Radon transform. Based on the work of manson etal, this paper will give out the formula for reconstructing the reflectivity function first by converting the resulting echo data into the line integral values along circles through the domain and then by using Generalized Radon transform over circles through the domain and improve the work of Munson etal, and provide a way in which the terrain reflectivity function is reconstructed.
Keywords:Generalized Radon Transform   Spotlight mode SAR   Tomography.
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