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Hydrothermal alteration in andesitic volcanoes: Trace element redistribution in active and ancient hydrothermal systems of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
Authors:Anne Salaü  n,Benoî  t Villemant,Martine Gé  rard,Jean-Christophe Komorowski,Agnè  s Michel
Affiliation:aInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris, UMR CNRS 7154, 1 rue Jussieu, 75238 Paris cedex 05, France;bISTeP, CNRS UMR 7193, UPMC Université Paris 6, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France;cIMPMC, IRD 206, UMR 7590 CNRS-UPMC, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France
Abstract:The mineralogy and the trace element compositions of hydrothermally-altered volcanic materials collected from ash fall deposits and in four debris-avalanche deposits (DADs) at La Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe have been determined. Phreatic explosions of the 1976 eruption and flank collapse events have sampled various parts of the active and ancient hydrothermal systems of the volcano. Hydrothermal mineral assemblages (smectite + silica polymorphs ± pyrite/jarosite ± gypsum) are typical of rock alteration by low-temperature acid-sulphate fluids. High-temperature mineral assemblages are rare, indicating that phreatic explosions and flank collapse events have sampled mainly the upper parts of the volcanic edifice.Andesitic eruptive products affected by shallow hydrothermal alteration are complex assemblages of volcanic materials (glass, phenocrysts and xenocrysts with complex magmatic histories) of different ages and compositions. The use of incompatible element ratios and REE compositions normalised to an unaltered reference material overcomes the interpretation difficulties related to mass balance effects of alteration processes and the petrologic heterogeneity of the initial material.REE and other incompatible elements (Th, U, Hf, Zr) are mainly concentrated in the glassy matrix of unaltered andesitic rocks. Secondary S-bearing mineral phases (e.g., gypsum, jarosite) that have precipitated from acid-sulphate fluids do not contain substantial incompatible elements (REE, U, Th, Hf, Zr). Compositional variations of incompatible elements in hydrothermally-altered andesitic materials reflect mainly volcanic glass–smectite transformation, which is characterised by (i) strong depletion of alkalis and alkaline earths (Ba, Sr) and first transition series elements (Zn, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni), (ii) immobility of highly incompatible elements (Th, Zr, Hf, LREE) and (iii) strong depletion of MREE and HREE. The sigmoid shape of normalised REE pattern is characteristic of glass–smectite transformation by low-temperature acid-sulphate fluids. This transformation also produces significant variations in U/Th values, which offer the opportunity to date the cessation of hydrothermal alteration and to reconstruct the evolution in space and time of hydrothermal activity in a volcanic edifice.
Keywords:Hydrothermal alteration   Trace elements   REE   U   Andesites   Flank collapse
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