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The Paranapanema Lithospheric Block: Its Importance for Proterozoic (Rodinia, Gondwana) Supercontinent Theories.
Authors:M.S.M. Mantovani  B.B. de Brito Neves
Affiliation:aInstituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo-SP. Rua do Matão 1226, CEP 05508-900, Brazil;bInstituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo-SP. Rua do Lago 562, CEP 05508-080, Brazil
Abstract:This work considers the tectonics of the southeastern portion of the South American Platform based on new geological and geophysical grounds. For the last decade, only three (Amazonic, São Francisco and La Plata) of the many other cratonic blocks have been attributed/remarked to the South America portion for most of the usual Rodinia reconstitutions. The possibility of the existence of other blocks has rarely been mentioned. The postulation of the presence of a considerable Paleoproterozoic (pre-Brasiliano) fragment as part of Paraná Basin basement is highly probable. In order to infer the basement structure of Paraná Basin, previous to the sedimentation process, an isostatic modeling was applied to a large-scale gravity survey looking to correlate topographic and gravity anomalies caused by sub-surface loads. The Bouguer anomaly obtained from the gravity survey represents the crustal contribution of crystalline basement, in addition to the sedimentary and volcanic layers of the basin. Following the isostatic modeling and the basin load stripping, the residual anomaly allows observing similarities between the basement gravity signature and outcropping units. Besides, the stress pattern of the two earlier events obtained through the back stripping analysis presents a geographically coincident maximum, and a new E-SE high emerging for the second event, suggesting continuous change of the stress field as a precursor for South American plate rotation. The evident correlation between gravity highs and main attenuation suggests the presence of some pre-existing suture zones. The weakened lithosphere during Ordovician and Carboniferous provided the magma conduits to form in Early Cretaceous tectonic stress field pattern. The resultant mosaic of gravity blocks and the main faults site give support to the presence of this cratonic Proterozoic unit, here on referred to as the Paranapanema Block, which had been neglected in most of the models reported for the reconstruction of Gondwana (and Rodinia).
Keywords:South American Platform   Paraná   Basin basement   Brasiliano   Rodinia   Gondwana
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