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Swimming abilities of wild-caught,late-stage larvae of Diplodus capensis and Sarpa salpa (Pisces: Sparidae) from temperate South Africa
Authors:Paula Pattrick  Nadine A. Strydom
Affiliation:1. Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa;2. South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Private Bag 1015, Grahamstown, 6139, South Africa
Abstract:Understanding the movement of marine fish larvae in coastal habitats requires an assessment of active swimming abilities. The critical speed (U-crit) and endurance swimming of late-stage larvae of Diplodus capensis and Sarpa salpa (Family Sparidae), common inshore recreational linefish species, were measured in a laboratory swimming chamber. Postflexion and settlement-stage larvae were collected from the wild in a small bay on the warm temperate coast of South Africa. Larvae were allowed to acclimate in captivity and were tested soon after capture. For the endurance tests a speed of 18 cm s−1 was selected, as this approximated the mean current speed observed in the coastal environment of the area. The mean U-crit value (maximum swimming speed) for D. capensis (19 cm s−1) was similar to that of S. salpa (18 cm s−1), and similarly mean endurance (km swum) for S. salpa (8 km) was similar to that of D. capensis (6 km). The increase in critical speed and endurance swimming abilities with standard length was best described by a linear relationship. At lengths between 12 and 15 mm BL, D. capensis was the better swimmer, whereas S. salpa was the better swimmer between 15 and 16 mm BL. Of all the larvae that swam at critical speed, 90% were in an inertial environment. These swimming speeds exceed the modal current velocities observed in the shallow nearshore of the study region where these larvae occur abundantly. These swimming abilities provide larvae with the potential to influence their dispersal trajectories and ultimately influence their distribution in their nearshore nursery areas.
Keywords:critical speed   endurance   dispersal   connectivity   behaviour   recruitment
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