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Absorption of nuclear γ-rays on the starlight radiation in FR I sources: the case of Centaurus A
Authors:&#  . Stawarz,F. Aharonian,S. Wagner, M. Ostrowski
Affiliation:Landessternwarte Heidelberg, Königstuhl, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany;Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany;Obserwatorium Astronomiczne, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ul. Orla 171, 30-244 Kraków, Poland
Abstract:Several BL Lac objects are confirmed sources of variable and strongly Doppler-boosted TeV emission produced in the nuclear portions of their relativistic jets. It is more than probable that also many of the Fanaroff–Riley type I (FR I) radio galaxies, believed to be the parent population of BL Lacs, are TeV sources, for which Doppler-hidden nuclear γ-ray radiation may be only too weak to be directly observed. Here we show, however, that about 1 per cent of the total time-averaged TeV radiation produced by the active nuclei of low-power FR I radio sources is inevitably absorbed and re-processed by photon–photon annihilation on the starlight photon field, and the following emission of the created and quickly isotropized electron–positron pairs. In the case of the radio galaxy Centaurus A, we found that the discussed mechanism can give a distinctive observable feature in the form of an isotropic γ-ray halo. It results from the electron–positron pairs injected to the interstellar medium of the inner parts of the elliptical host by the absorption process, and upscattering starlight radiation via the inverse-Compton process mainly to the GeV–TeV photon energy range. Such a galactic γ-ray halo is expected to possess a characteristic spectrum peaking at ∼0.1 TeV photon energies, and the photon flux strong enough to be detected by modern Cherenkov Telescopes and, in the future, by GLAST. These findings should apply as well to the other nearby FR I sources.
Keywords:radiation mechanisms: non-thermal    galaxies: active    galaxies: individual: Centaurus A    galaxies: jets    gamma-rays: theory
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