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Sequence stratigraphy of an argillaceous,deepwater basin-plain succession: Vischkuil Formation (Permian), Karoo Basin,South Africa
Authors:Willem C. van der Merwe  Stephen S. FlintDavid M. Hodgson
Affiliation:Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Stratigraphy Group, University of Liverpool, 4 Brownlow Street, Liverpool L69 3GP, UK
Abstract:The 380 m thick fine-grained Vischkuil Formation comprises laterally extensive hemipelagic mudstones, separated by packages of graded sandstone and siltstone turbidites, and volcanic ash beds, and is an argillaceous precursor to a 1 km thick sand-prone basin floor fan to shelf succession. The Vischkuil Formation provides an insight into the process by which regional sand supply is initiated and for testing sequence stratigraphic principles in a basin plain setting. Regionally mapped 1–2 m thick hemipelagic mudstone units are interpreted as condensed drapes that represent the starved basin plain equivalents of transgressive systems tracts and maximum flooding surface on the coeval shelf (now removed during later uplift). The section above each mudstone drape comprises siltstone turbidites interpreted as highstand systems tract deposits and a surface of regional extent, marked by an abrupt grain size shift to fine sandstone. These surfaces are interpreted as sequence boundaries, related to abrupt increases in flow volume and delivery of sand grade material to the basin-plain. The interpreted lowstand systems tract comprises sandstone-dominated turbidites and is overlain by another hemipelagic mudstone drape. The upper Vischkuil Formation is marked by three 20–45 m thick debrites, with intraformational sandstone clasts up to 20 cm in diameter that can be mapped over 3000 km2. In each case, debrite emplacement resulted in widespread deformation of the immediately underlying 3–10 m of silty turbidites. A sequence boundary is interpreted at the base of each deformation/debrite package. Six depositional sequences are recognised and the interfered energy shift across each successive sequence boundary and LSTs include a larger volume of sandstone increases up section. The lower two sequences thin to the NW and show NW-directed palaeocurrents. The four overlying sequences show a polarity switch in palaeocurrent directions and thinning, to the E and SE. Sequence 6 is overlain sharply by the 300 m thick sandstone dominated Fan A of the Laingsburg Formation. The LST debrites may indicate gradual development of major routing conduits that subsequently fed Fan A. The polarity shift from westward flowing turbidity currents to an eastward prograding deepwater to shelf system represents establishment of a long term feeder system from the west. Sand supply to the Karoo basin floor was established in an incremental, stepwise manner. Given the early post-glacial setting in an icehouse climate, glacio-eustatic sea-level changes are considered to have been the main control on sequence development.
Keywords:Permian   Karoo basin   Basin-plain   Sequence stratigraphy   Debrites   Turbidites
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