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A thermodynamic model for Fe–Mg dioctahedral K white micas using data from phase-equilibrium experiments and natural pelitic assemblages
Authors:Teddy Parra  Olivier Vidal  Phillipe Agard
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Géologie, Ecole Normale Supérieure (UMR 8532), 24 Rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France,
LGCA (UMR 5025), 1381 Rue de la Piscine, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 09, France,
UPMC, Laboratoire de Tectonique, ESA 70-72, Tour 26, 1 E, Case 129, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France,
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to derive a solid-solution model for potassic white micas (KWM) encountered in rocks of various bulk compositions, over a wide range of P-T conditions. A compilation of phengite compositions lead us to propose a seven-thermodynamic-component (muscovite, Fe2+-Al-celadonite, Mg-Al-celadonite, annite, phlogopite, pyrophyllite and paragonite) ionic solid-solution model which accounts for the Tschermak, Fe-Mg, di/trioctahedral, pyrophyllitic and paragonitic substitutions observed in nature. A four-site mixing model with symmetric Margules parameters to model the Tschermak substitutions, asymmetric Margules parameters to model the other substitutions, and ideal intersite interaction has been adopted. In contrast to previous models, the relevant thermodynamic data and solid-solution properties are calibrated with independent sets of published experiments conducted for the KMASH, KFASH, KFMASH, and KNASH systems, as well as about 200 natural data involving KWM assemblages. The constraints span a wide range of pressure and temperature conditions (150 to 750 °C, 0.5 to 30 kbar), so that our model does not need to be extrapolated outside the calibration range to be used for P-T thermobarometric purposes. The calculated thermodynamic data are interconsistent with the TWQ thermodynamic database and solid-solution models, including that recently published for chlorites.
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