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Sub-seismic scale fracture pattern and in situ permeability data in the chalk atop of the Krempe salt ridge at Lägerdorf, NW Germany: Inferences on synfolding stress field evolution and its impact on fracture connectivity
Authors:Fabrizio Storti  Fabrizio BalsamoFederico Cappanera  Giambattista Tosi
Affiliation:a Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy
b Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università “Roma Tre”, Rome, Italy
c ENI E. & P. Division, S. Donato Milanese, Italy
d Eni Norge AS, Stavanger, Norway
Abstract:Chalk is exposed in the Heidestrasse quarry at Lägerdorf, at the top of the NE-SW trending Krempe salt ridge. Structural data indicate the presence of two joint sets, striking almost parallel and perpendicular to the salt ridge, respectively, and of a set of conjugate extensional faults and fault zones striking NW-SE, i.e. almost perpendicular to the salt ridge. Within the overall NW-SE trend of joints and faults, strike variations occur from the massive chalk exposed in the lower half of the quarry, to the overlying layered chalk. A large variability characterizes the normalized spacing of both joint sets, which does not show any clear trend with layer dip. In situ measurements indicate that the cross-sectional permeability of tight joints increases 1-2 orders of magnitude with respect to the undeformed chalk. We propose that joint and fault azimuthal variability resulted from changes through time of the stress ellipsoid at the top of the salt ridge, while joint spacing variability is associated with the weak mechanical influence of bedding in chalk. Azimuthal variability improves fracture connectivity and, hence, permeability and fluid flow.
Keywords:Structural geology   Joint   Fault zone   Diapir   Permeability
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