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Oil-oil and oil-source rock correlations in the Alpine Foreland Basin of Austria: Insights from biomarker and stable carbon isotope studies
Authors:Reinhard Gratzer  Achim BechtelReinhard F. Sachsenhofer  Hans-Gert LinzerDoris Reischenbacher  Hans-Martin Schulz
Affiliation:a University of Leoben, Applied Geosciences & Geophysics, Peter-Tunner-Str. 5, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
b Rohöl-Aufsuchungs AG, Schwarzenbergplatz 16, A-1015 Vienna, Austria
c GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 4.3 Organic Geochemistry, Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
Abstract:The Alpine Foreland Basin is a minor oil and moderate gas province in central Europe. In the Austrian part of the Alpine Foreland Basin, oil and minor thermal gas are thought to be predominantly sourced from Lower Oligocene horizons (Schöneck and Eggerding formations). The source rocks are immature where the oil fields are located and enter the oil window at ca. 4 km depth beneath the Alpine nappes indicating long-distance lateral migration. Most important reservoirs are Upper Cretaceous and Eocene basal sandstones.Stable carbon isotope and biomarker ratios of oils from different reservoirs indicate compositional trends in W-E direction which reflect differences in source, depositional environment (facies), and maturity of potential source rocks. Thermal maturity parameters from oils of different fields are only in the western part consistent with northward displacement of immature oils by subsequently generated oils. In the eastern part of the basin different migration pathways must be assumed. The trend in S/(S + R) isomerisation of ααα-C29 steranes versus the αββ (20R)/ααα (20R) C29 steranes ratio from oil samples can be explained by differences in thermal maturation without involving long-distance migration. The results argue for hydrocarbon migration through highly permeable carrier beds or open faults rather than relatively short migration distances from the source. The lateral distance of oil fields to the position of mature source rocks beneath the Alpine nappes in the south suggests minimum migration distances between less than 20 km and more than 50 km.Biomarker compositions of the oils suggest Oligocene shaly to marly successions (i.e. Schoeneck, Dynow, and Eggerding formations) as potential source rocks, taking into account their immature character. Best matches are obtained between the oils and units a/b (marly shale) and c (black shale) of the “normal” Schöneck Formation, as well as with the so-called “Oberhofen Facies”. Results from open system pyrolysis-gas chromatography of potential source rocks indicate slightly higher sulphur content of the resulting pyrolysate from unit b. The enhanced dibenzothiophene/phenanthrene ratios of oils from the western part of the basin would be consistent with a higher contribution of unit b to hydrocarbon expulsion in this area. Differences in the relative contribution of sedimentary units to oil generation are inherited from thickness variations of respective units in the overthrusted sediments. The observed trend towards lighter δ13C values of hydrocarbon fractions from oil fields in a W-E direction are consistent with lower δ13C values of organic matter in unit c.
Keywords:Oil   Source rock   Sedimentary facies   Maturity   Hydrocarbon migration   Oligocene   Paratethys
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