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Disorder and recovery of environmental health monitored by means of lysosomal stability in liver of European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.)
Authors:Broeg K  Köhler A  Westernhagen H v
Affiliation:Alfred-Wegener-lnstitute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany. kbroeg@meeresforschung.de
Abstract:From 1995 to 2000 biological effects were studied in liver of flounder (Platichtysflesus L.) from the German Bight. During the study period deleterious consequences of acute discharges of DDT and PCBs in early spring 1996 and after 1998 due to remobilization of contaminants from riverbed deepening of the River Elbe became evident. As core biomarker which reflects toxically induced liver pathologies and integrates effects of various classes of pollutants we measured the integrity of lysosomal membranes in individual flounder liver. During the study period, twice statistically significant disturbances of lysosomal function was detected in fish from the River Elbe: in summer 1996 and in spring 1999. Yet, the detrimental contaminant effects were not only restricted to individuals from the Elbe but expanded to those flounder inhabiting formerly less polluted reference areas. In contrast to flounder of the Elbe, their ability to recover from the lysosomal disorders were limited. While in autumn 2000 Elbe individuals showed clear signs of recovery, those fish caught in areas more distant to the source of toxicant input still maintained significantly decreased lysosomal membrane integrity. It can be speculated that fish populations which are not continuously exposed to chronic anthropogenic stress may have a lower potential or need a longer period to recover from the effects of pollution.
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