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Microfacies and environmental study of the lower cretaceous yamama formation in Ratawi field
Authors:Afrah H Saleh
Institution:1. University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract:The Yamama Formation is the main Lower Cretaceous (late Berriasian–Valangenian) carbonate reservoir in southern Iraq. Petrographic study from thin-section examination shows that the skeletal grains included calcareous algae from both red and green algae. Red algae is concentrated in the upper part of the Formation, and the most important of this algae species is Permocalculus ssp. Green algae is less common, and its concentration is in the middle part of the Formation. The most species found in the Yamama Formation is dasycladeans, and both small and large species of benthonic foraminifera such as Nautiloculina, Textularia, Trocholina, Pseudocyclammina, and Everticyclammina are also present. The non-skeleton grains included oolites, pellets, and micrite. Six cyclic type microfacies have been recognized for Yamama Formation in Ratawi-3 (Rt-3) and Ratawi-4 (Rt-4) Wells, namely peloidal packstone–grainstone, algal wackestone–packstone, oolitic–peloidal grainstone, bioclastic wackestone–packstone, foraminiferal wackestone, and mudstone microfacies. The latter has been divided into two submicrofacies: argillaceous lime mudstone and fossiliferous lime mudstone. The lateral extension of these microfacies has been identified by integrating the thin-section data and well logs’ character variations with similar characteristic for microfacies. The Yamama Formation was affected by five diagenetic processes, which are micritization, cementation, recrystallization, silicification, and stylolites. The Yamama Formation was deposited during a regressive period within the outer ramp, shoal, and inner ramp setting.
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