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Continuous reactions between biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite-sillimanite-andalusite and P-T-time-deformation path in micaschists from the estuary of the river Vilaine, South Brittany, France
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Pétrologie Minéralogique, Equipe de Recherche associée au CNRS n°1009 'Pétrologie métamorphique';, UniversitéPierre et Marie Curie, 4, place Jussieu, 75230 Paris Cedex, France; Centre Armoricain d'Etude Structurale des Socles, Laboratoire propre du CRNS n°4661, Institut de Géologie, Universitéde Rennes, campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Abstract:Abstract Microprobe analysis of the continuous chemical evolution of coexisting biotite-garnet and biotite-garnet-staurolite has been undertaken from interbedded micaschists of the volcanodetrital group of the Vilaine. A thermobarometric study using pertinent mineralogical equilibria reveals a complex P-T evolution, continuous throughout time, from high pressure, medium temperature (kyanite zone) to medium pressure, high temperature (sillimanite zone), then low pressure, medium temperature (andalusite zone). The T, P, fH2o and XH2o variations have been calculated from coexisting biotite-garnet pairs, and from the equilibria: paragonite (in white mica) + quartz ± albite (in plagioclase) + Al silicate + H2O; and, 3 anorthite ± grossular + 2 Alsilicate + quartz. The P-T evolution is correlated with the continuous change in composition of minerals (using P–XMg and T–XMg diagrams) and with the evolution of assemblages. This continuous P-T-time evolution, correlated with the successive formation of S1-S2 foliations, allows us to propose a P-T-time-deformation path for the micaschists and to relate the growth of its mineral components to tectonic processes.
Keywords:Key-words: aluminous micaschists    divariant equilibria    microstructures    orogenic processes    PTtd path    South Brittany    thermobarometry
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