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引用本文:蒙永辉,颜堂,罗梅,陈晓曼. 论山东省矿山地质环境现状及存在问题[J]. 山东国土资源, 2018, 34(9)
作者姓名:蒙永辉  颜堂  罗梅  陈晓曼
摘    要:山东省是矿产资源大省,资源储量丰富,开采历史悠久,开发强度较大。矿产资源的开发在保障经济社会发展的同时,也引发了较多的矿山地质环境问题,破坏了局部生态环境,影响了人民生产生活。为推进生态山东、美丽山东建设步伐,谋划一个时期内的矿山地质环境保护与治理工作,根据国土资源部等五部局的统一部署,2017年山东省率先在全国开展了山东省矿山地质环境详细调查工作,共完成高精度遥感解译157 900km~2,矿山地质环境调查34 290km~2,调查矿山9 672座,水土样测试各200余件,取得了大量翔实的矿山地质环境调查数据。该文在深入分析调查成果的基础上,高度概括了由于矿产资源开采引发的地形地貌景观破坏、采煤塌陷、非煤矿山采空区及废弃矿井、占压土地资源等主要矿山地质环境问题的分布、规模、危害和治理工作开展等情况;客观剖析了山东省地质环境保护与治理存在的主要问题;科学预测了矿山地质环境保护与治理工作发展趋势,并针对性地提出了对策建议。

关 键 词:矿山地质环境;现状;发展趋势;对策建议;山东省

Discussion on Present Condition of Geological Environment and Problems Occurred in Mines in Shandong Province
MENG Yonghui,YAN Tang,LUO Mei and CHEN Xiaoman. Discussion on Present Condition of Geological Environment and Problems Occurred in Mines in Shandong Province[J]. SHANDONG LAND AND RESOURCES, 2018, 34(9)
Authors:MENG Yonghui  YAN Tang  LUO Mei  CHEN Xiaoman
Abstract:Shandong is a big province of mineral resources. Mineral resources are very rich with long exploration history and big development strength. The exploration of mineral resources has guaranteed the economic development, but at the same time, it also caused many problem of geological environment in mines, destroyed the ecological environment, and affected human production and living. In order to promote the construction of Shandong province, and plan to protect and manage geological environment of mines in the next period, detailed investigation of geological environment in mines have been carried out firstly in Shandong province in 2017. High precision remote sensing interpretation with the scale of 15790km2 have been fininshed, geological environment of mines with the scale of 34290km2 have been surveyed, 9672 mines have been surveyed, 200 soil and water samples have been tested, and a lot of detailed survey data of geological environment in mines have been gained. Based on the analysis of investigation results, distribution, scale, harm and management of main geological environment problems in mines, such as topographic and landform land scape destruction, coal mining subsidence, goaf of noncoal mine mountain, abandoned mines, and occupied land resources which are caused by mineral resources exploration have been summarized. Main problems in the protection and management of geological environment in Shandong province have been objectively interpreted, the development trend of geological environment protection and management in mines have been predicated scientifically, and some specific countermeasures and suggestions have been put forward.
Keywords:Geological environment of mine   present condition   development trend   countermeasures and suggestions   Shandong province
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