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Experimental investigation of turbulent processes in a complex terrain
Authors:Thomas Foken  Jan Pretel  Reviewer J. Bednář  Reviewer Z. Jaňour
Affiliation:1. Main Meteorological Observatory of the Meteorological Service of the GRD, Potsdam
2. Institute of the Physics of the Atmosphere, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:In the present paper the first results of the international ldquoKOPEX-86ldquo experiment are presented. The experiment took place at the Kopisty Atmospheric Observatory of the Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere in Prague as part of a special project of the Commission of the Academy of Sciences in Planetary Geophysics (KAPG) in June and July 1986. Using 4 ultrasonic anemometers at 4 levels up to 80 m, Doppler-SODAR and wind-, temperature- and radiation balance gradients from 2 to 80 m, a complex investigation of the atmospheric boundary layer in an industrial area was made. The authors present the first results of
– the anthropogenic influence on the energy exchange in the atmospheric boundary layer.
– the influence of a complex terrain on the turbulent characteristics and their vertical distribution.
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