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Comparison of the compositions of crystalline aluminosilicate rocks and their minerals in a planar triangular projection
Authors:Z.F. Golitsyna  S.V. Banushkina  N.V. Surkov
Affiliation:V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Koptyuga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Abstract:The problem of comparison of the composition of crystalline rocks with the composition of the constituent minerals of these rocks is considered. It is proposed to present the composition of rocks and the compositions of the constituent minerals in the form of a triangle on the plane. The experience of presentation of compositions in phase diagrams was taken as a basis for the construction. Analysis of the crystallochemical characteristics of clinopyroxenes and garnets has shown that three parameters are enough for depicting the compositions of these and other minerals. For this purpose, similar composition components of rocks and their minerals are summarized in molecular proportions and are plotted on the triangle DO-1/2(R2O3)-XO2, where DO = (MgO + CaO + FeO + MnO + NiO + ...) + 1/4(Na2O + Al2O3) + 1/4(K2O + Al2O3), 1/2(R2O3) = 1/2(Al2O3 + Fe2O3 + Cr2O3 + ...) - (1/4(Na2O + Al2O3) + 1/4(K2O + Al2O3)), and XO2 = SiO2 + TiO2. The compositions of minerals are expressed as the sums of their components: Ol = Fo + Fa + Lar + Neph + ..., Px = Di + En + Wol + Ged + Gip + Jd + Eg + ..., Ga = Pyr + Gross + Alm + Spe + Ski + Knr + Mj + ..., etc. A step-by-step calculation algorithm is proposed, which permits evaluation of the contents of bi- and trivalent iron during probe microanalyses of garnets and pyroxenes. Comparison of the compositions of deep-seated rocks and their minerals shows their good consistency. The proposed schematic projection permits a visual comparison of the compositions of rocks with low contents of carbonates and water, from ultrabasic (e.g., dunites) to acid (e.g., granites) ones.
Keywords:rock composition  mineral composition  phase diagram  clinopyroxene  garnet  molecular proportion  formula factor  phase composition  composition triangle
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