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Mars' water isotope (D/H) history in the strata of the North Polar Cap: Inferences about the water cycle
Authors:David Andrew Fisher
Affiliation:Glaciology Section, Geological Survey of Canada, NRCan, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8, Canada
Abstract:A time varying stable isotope model for the D/H history of Mars water cycle is developed with variable atmosphere, space loss rate, ground and ice cap flux rates. It considers coupled ground reservoirs and traces D/H in the air and reservoirs secularly and over obliquity cycles. The various flux rates are prescribed time variables that simulate surface flux, and solar driven space loss rates. Predicted bulk averages for the ice cap, ground ice reservoirs and atmosphere span the observed ranges reported by Mumma et al. [Mumma, M.J., Novak, R.E., DiSanti, M.A., Bonev, B., Dello Russo, N., Magee-Sauer, K., 2003. The Martian Atmosphere. Conference Reports of “Sixth International Conference on Mars Atmosphere,” No. 3186]. When the dominant obliquity cycle variations are scaled so that the model delivers present seasonal variations, the present long term bulk D/H average for the ice cap is ∼+2.7 (equivalent to +1700‰ in δ(D) wrt SMOW). The obliquity driven D/H cycle in the ice cap's layers varies between 3 and 6. The smaller more accessible reservoirs have larger bulk averages with the smallest being able to reach D/H values over 9 within ∼105 years. Small hypothetical solar activity driven variations in the escape rate to space and in the fractionation constant [Krasnopolsky, V.A., Feldman, P.D., 2001. Science 294, 1914-1917] for the escape process can produce a “solar wiggle” whose D/H amplitude can reach 0.1 (δ(D) amplitude of 100‰). Because of the temporal variability, a single modern measured atmospheric D/H ratio at a particular Ls cannot tell very much about the total water inventory of Mars. A bulk average for the Northern Ice Cap and better still a dated vertical profile of D/H from the ice cap would, however, go a long way towards illuminating the “modern” water history of Mars. The age and stability of the Northern Ice Cap and the D/H history locked in the layering is discussed. An ice cap that is very young and exchanges its mass through the atmosphere often will necessarily have a large D/H.
Keywords:Mars   Ices
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