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Mass dispersal and angular momentum transfer during collisions between rubble-pile asteroids
Authors:Takaaki Takeda  Keiji Ohtsuki
Affiliation:a National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
b Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, 392 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0392, USA
Abstract:We perform N-body simulations of impacts between initially non-rotating rubble-pile asteroids, and investigate mass dispersal and angular momentum transfer during such collisions. We find that the fraction of the dispersed mass (Mdisp) is approximately proportional to View the MathML source, where Qimp is the impact kinetic energy; the power index α is about unity when the impactor is much smaller than the target, and 0.5?α<1 for impacts with a larger impactor. Mdisp is found to be smaller for more dissipative impacts with small values of the restitution coefficient of the constituent particles. We also find that the efficiency of transfer of orbital angular momentum to the rotation of the largest remnant depends on the degree of disruption. In the case of disruptive oblique impacts where the mass of the largest remnant is about half of the target mass, most of the orbital angular momentum is carried away by the escaping fragments and the efficiency becomes very low (<0.05), while the largest remnant acquires a significant amount of spin angular momentum in moderately disruptive impacts. These results suggest that collisions likely played an important role in rotational evolution of small asteroids, in addition to the recoil force of thermal re-radiation.
Keywords:Asteroids, rotation   Collisional physics   Impact processes
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