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引用本文:黄少英 张 玮 李曰俊 周思宇 李洪辉 郑多明 黄智斌 李 程 黄彤飞. 塔里木盆地轮南古隆起形成时间的判定[J]. 地质科学, 1958, 55(4): 1089-1098. DOI: 10.12017/dzkx.2020.067
作者姓名:黄少英 张 玮 李曰俊 周思宇 李洪辉 郑多明 黄智斌 李 程 黄彤飞
作者单位:中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司 新疆库尔勒 841000;中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 北京 100029;中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院 北京 100083;Department of Geography,Kyung hee University,Seoul 02447,Korea
摘    要:轮南古隆起位于塔里木盆地北部,是一个大型基底卷入型鼻状背斜。卷入背斜构造变形的地层包括下古生界及其以下地层。它的形式演化控制着轮南复式油气聚集区的形成与分布。过轮南古隆起的地震剖面上显示,这里发育上泥盆统东河砂岩底、志留系底和上奥陶统底3个与古隆起形成密切相关的不整合面。上奥陶统底是一个低角度不整合面至平行不整合面,地层间断很小。志留系与下伏地层之间是一个低角度不整合接触,存在一定规模的地层间断。东河砂岩与下伏地层之间是一个明显的角度不整合接触,是一个较大的地层间断。东河砂岩直接不整合覆盖在下志留统甚至更老地层之上。上奥陶统至下志留统(中-上志留统缺失)为生长地层;上奥陶统之下的地层是前生长地层;东河砂岩及其上覆的石炭系是生长后地层。根据已有构造分析成果,塔里木盆地中志留世—中泥盆世处于造山后区域性伸展构造背景。据此分析,轮南古隆起(背斜)的构造变形起始于中奥陶世末—晚奥陶世初,持续至早志留世。此后进入风化夷平阶段,古隆起依然存在,但是背斜构造变形已经结束。至东河砂岩沉积时,轮南古隆起基本被夷平,并逐渐被埋于地下。


Timing the formation of the Lunnan paleo-uplift in Tarim Basin,NW China
Huang Shaoying Zhang Wei Li Yuejun Zhou Siyu Li Honghui Zheng Duoming Huang Zhibin Li Cheng Huang Tongfei. Timing the formation of the Lunnan paleo-uplift in Tarim Basin,NW China[J]. Chinese Journal of Geology, 1958, 55(4): 1089-1098. DOI: 10.12017/dzkx.2020.067
Authors:Huang Shaoying Zhang Wei Li Yuejun Zhou Siyu Li Honghui Zheng Duoming Huang Zhibin Li Cheng Huang Tongfei
Affiliation:Tarim Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Korla, Xinjiang  841000;Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing  100029;Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina, Beijing  100083;Department of Geography, Kyung hee University, Seoul  02447, Korea
Abstract:The Lunnan paleo-uplift located in the northern Tarim Basin is a large basement-involvedanticline. The strata involved into the anticline deformation include the Lower Paleozoic and the rocks below it. The paleo-uplift control the formation and distribution of the Lunnan complex oil-gasaccumulation province. The seismic profiles crossing the paleo-uplift indicate that, there are 3 unconformities related to the formation of the paleo-uplift. They are the bottoms of the UpperDevonian Donghe sandstone, the Silurian and the Upper Ordovician. The bottom of the UpperOrdovician is a low angle or parallel unconformity. It is a little stratigraphic hiatus between theUpper and Middle Ordovician. It is a low angle unconformity with an obvious hiatus between theSilurian and the rocks below it. The unconformity between the Upper Devonian Donghe sandstoneand the rocks below it is a large hiatus. The Donghe sandstone unconformably overlies the LowerSilurian and older rocks. The Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian is growth strata. Those below it arepre-growth strata and those above it are post-growth strata. According to the previous work, theTarim block was under post-collision regional tensional tectonic setting in Middle Silurian-MiddleDevonian. Obviously, it can be deduced that the deformation of the Lunnan paleo-uplift(anticline)begun at end Middle Ordovicaian-beginning Late Ordovician, and lasted to Early Silurian, and thenevolved into the weathering and eroding stage from Middle Silurian to Middle Devonian when thepaleo-uplift remain a topographic high while the anticline deformation ceased. And then the Lunnanpaleo-uplift was buried underground gradually.
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