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Authors:GAO Wei  HE Hong-lin  ZOU Jun-jie  SHI Feng
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Active Tectonics and Volcano, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:The geological structure exposed by paleoearthquake trenches is the key material to the right cognition of fault activity and paleoearthquake. However, paleoearthquake trenching inevitably destroys active tectonic geomorphic evidence and trench exposures are usually difficult to reserve. The conventional process of recording the delicate geological information, manually constructing photomosaics by image-editing software, is time-consuming and produces undesirable artificial distortions. Herein, we explored the process of constructing trench orthophotomosaics and the 3D image model using the Image-based Modeling technology and applied it to the Liutiaohe trench across the Tianqiaogou-Huangyangchuan Fault, Gansu Province. Based on the 3D image modeling and orthophotomosaic, we firstly constructed the control points and scale bars on cleaned trench walls and collected photos of all sections of the trench with a digital camera in the field, and then reconstructed the 3D model of the trench through the Agisoft PhotoScan, an efficient image-based modeling software, and finally yielded the 3D image model of the trench and othophotomasaics of the trench exposures. The results show that the automated workflow can produce seamless, sub-millimeter-level high-resolution photomosaics more quickly, with precision in the centimeter range, and the 3D image model is of great help to identify strata and geological structures in trenches with much lower capital and labor costs and low expertise levels compared with LiDAR, meanwhile, the 3D archive benefits the share and communication and even allows future reinterpreting the site using new insights.
Keywords:paleoearthquake trench  image-based modeling  orthophotomosaic  3D image model  
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