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Untersuchung von drei Grundwasserwerken auf Vorkommen von Acanthamoeben,Naeglerien und anderen freilebenden Amöben
Authors:R Michel  R Hoffmann  A Giese  K-D Müller
Abstract:Prevalence of Acanthamoebae, Naegleriae and Other Free-living Amoebae in the Course of Water Treatment in Three Well Waterworks Numerous species of free-living amoebae and other protozoa had been observed in the raw water of three representative waterworks with enriched well water. They were eliminated most effectively during the water treatment procedure. Acanthamoebae and Naegleriae including thermophilic strains of these genera could not be identified in any of the clear water samples. Acanthamoebae and Vannellae isolated from different samples exhibited repeatedly intracellular infections with bacteria of the genus Cytophaga. Their role as possible hosts of different pathogenic and non pathogenic bacteria like Legionella sp., Listeria sp., and Pseudomonas sp. is confirmed by this observation. As known from earlier findings in connection with the Acanthamoeba-Legionella model, it can be assumed, that bacteria multiplying in trophozoites or being enclosed in cysts are protected against high concentrations of chlorine and other biocides.
Keywords:Acanthamoebae  Naegleria  Free-living Amoebae  Intracellular Bacteria  Water Treatment  Cytophaga sp
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