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Feinauflösung von UV-Spektren durch Differentiation 1. und 2. Ordnung im Rahmen der Kohlenwasserstoffanalyse
Authors:H. Hellmann
Abstract:Fine Resolution of UV Spectra by Differentiation of 1st and 2nd Order in Hydrocarbon Analysis Basic UV spectra (0th order) in unpolar solvents such as cyclohexane are useful — though with some reservations — in characterizing mineral oils occuring in pure form and aromatic fractions in environmental samples separated by chromatographic techniques. The common standard raffinates, biogenic hydrocarbons or other mixes of hydrocarbons including polycyclic aromatics can be approximately identified. The spectra of 1st and 2nd order improve the reliability of the results and permit above all to detect polycondensated aromatics even in traces. Finally, partial spectra of 1st and 2nd order in the wavelength ranges 205…240, 220…260, and 260…320 nm allow because of their very specific structures a simple and fast practically definite assignment to the above-mentioned groups of aromatics. Analogously, substituted aromatics in detergents and other technical products have already been identified. The method is suitable as a fast preliminary test, at least.
Keywords:Hydrocarbons  Basic Spectra  Derived Spectra 1st and 2nd Order  Identification of Aromatic Fractions  Oil Spills  Environmental Samples  Partial Spectra  Derivative Spectrophotometry
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