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摘    要:peldense,X.yixianenese,X.fuxinense sP.nov.and X.h:‘011,Zhe,,se sP.nov.In addi~,一on,rwo other sPeezes rePorred by prev一ousaurhors were also ldenrifled as X.‘o),ch夕l;a,,u,):and X.l;ao,,z,之ge,zse .Thepalaeoeeologieal envlronmenr model and phy-logeno51s of the genus Xeno了夕10,,aro analyzedand dlseussed irlt}115 paper.20001600 Ding Qiuhong(Shenyang Institureof Geology and Mineral Resourees,Shenyang,Liaoning);Zheng Shaolin Meso-zoic Fossil Woods of Genus Xenoxylon fromNortheast Chi…

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