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引用本文:沈焕庭,李九发,金元欢. 河口涨潮槽的演变及治理[J]. 海洋与湖沼, 1995, 26(1): 83-89
作者姓名:沈焕庭  李九发  金元欢
摘    要:根据长江口1958-1987年的地形、水文测量资料和研究成果,对河口涨潮槽的形态特征、水文泥沙特性、形成原因与演变规律作较系统的分析研究。结果表明,涨潮槽呈上口窄下口宽的喇叭形,延伸方向受口外潮波传播方向制约,潮波更多地呈现驻波性质;涨潮流起主导作用,余流方向指向上游,涨潮期含沙量大于落潮期;涨潮槽的水文泥沙特性有明显的大小潮,洪枯季和年际变化,其分布可从口外海滨-直延伸到潮流界;按成因涨潮槽可分

关 键 词:河口 涨潮槽 长江口 演变规律 河口地貌

Shen Huanting,Li Jiufa and Jin Yuanhuan. EVOLUTION AND REGULATION OF FLOOD CHANNELS IN ESTUARIES[J]. Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica, 1995, 26(1): 83-89
Authors:Shen Huanting  Li Jiufa  Jin Yuanhuan
Affiliation:Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062;Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062;Zhejiang Ocean and Coastal Zone Development Center Hangzhou 310012
Abstract:Based on the 1958 to 1987 field data of topography and hydrologic measurements of the Changjiang River Estuary, as well as the new developments, this systematic analysis and study on the figuration features, hydrologic and sedimentary characteristics, formation and evolution of flood channels in estuaries, show that floodchannels are trumpet-shaped with narrow upper mouth and wide lower mouth. Their extending directions are controlled by the spreading directions of tidal waves outof the mouths, which in most cases have the features of stationary waves. In floodchannels, flood tides have a dominant role. The directions of residual currents areupstream. The suspended sediment concentration during flood tide are larger thanthat during ebb tide. The hydrologic and sedimentary characteristics of flood channels have obvious variations between spring and neap tides, flood and dry seasons,and years. The flood channels may stretch from the off shore area to the upper limit of tidal current. According to their formation, flood channels can be divided intothree types, they are flood channels dominated by flood tides, flood channels formed by ebb channels divided by sand spit and flood channels formed by regression ofebb channels should be guided according to the circumstans and their evolution laws.
Keywords:Estuary Flood channels Changjiang River Estuary
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