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Alluvial fan development and morpho-tectonic evolution in response to contractional fault reactivation (Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene), Provence, France
Authors:S. Leleu,J.-F. Ghienne&dagger  , G. Manatschal&dagger  
Affiliation:Geology and Petroleum Geology Department, King's College, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK;
CGS-EOST, UMR 7517, Strasbourg Cedex, France
Abstract:Along-strike variability within a Late Cretaceous to early Palaeocene contractional growth structure and associated alluvial fan deposits is documented at the northern margin of the Arc Basin (Provence, SE France). This contribution shows that alluvial fans can be used as high-resolution proxies to reconstruct structural segmentation and palaeo-geomorphological evolution of a source/basin margin system. Facies-based reconstruction allows the spatial and temporal distribution of alluvial fan bodies to be mapped. Relationships between fan area and catchment size from modern alluvial fan systems were used to estimate palaeo-catchment size. Combining alluvial fan morphologies with catchment area, pebble provenance analysis and growth structure reconstruction, we show that: (1) fan distribution and related depositional processes were strongly influenced by intrinsic parameters such as drainage basin evolution, local structural inheritance and lateral facies changes in source area lithologies; (2) Inherited structures trending N100 effectively controlled the first-order location of the fold and thrust structures (Montagne Sainte-Victoire Range) and adjacent depositional areas (Arc Basin); (3) Syn-sedimentary faults trending N010-030 influenced the source/basin margin development and interacted with developing growth structures; (4) Facies changes in Jurassic carbonates controlled fold development and consequently the structural evolution of the source area; and (5) the N010-030 faults and along-strike variability of the source/basin margin system were ultimately controlled by basement structures that controlled where Late Cretaceous deformation nucleated. The overall architecture of the source/basin margin system reflects segmentation and strain partitioning along strike, as demonstrated by diachronous alluvial fan distribution.
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