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Role of Syn-eruptive Cooling and Degassing on Textures of Lavas from the AD 1783-1784 Laki Eruption, South Iceland
Authors:Guilbaud, M.-N.   Blake, S.   Thordarson, T.   Self, S.
Affiliation:1Volcano Dynamics Group, Department of Earth Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
2School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Grant Institute, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK
Abstract:The Laki eruption involved 10 fissure-opening episodes thatproduced 15·1 km3 of homogeneous quartz-tholeiite magma.This study focuses on the texture and chemistry of samples fromthe first five episodes, the most productive period of the eruption.The samples comprise pumiceous tephra clasts from early falloutdeposits and lava surface samples from fire-fountaining andcone-building activity. The fluid lava core was periodicallyexposed at the surface upon lobe breakout, and its characteristicsare preserved in glassy selvages from the lava surface. In allsamples, plagioclase is the dominant mineral phase, followedby clinopyroxene and then olivine. Samples contain <7 vol.% of euhedral phenocrysts (>100 µm) with primitivecores [An* = 100 x Ca/(Ca + Na) >70; Fo > 75; En* = 100x Mg/(Mg + Fe) >78] and more evolved rims, and >10 vol.% of skeletal, densely distributed groundmass crystals (<100µm), which are similar in composition to phenocryst rims(tephra: An*58–67, Fo72–78, En*72–81; lava:An*49–70, Fo63–78, En57–78). Tephra and lavahave distinct vesicularity (tephra: >40 vol. %; lava: <40vol. %), groundmass crystal content (tephra: <10 vol. %;lava: 20–30 vol. %), and matrix glass composition (tephra:5·4–5·6 wt % MgO; lava: 4·3–5·0wt % MgO). Whole-rock and matrix glass compositions define atrend consistent with liquid evolution during in situ crystallizationof groundmass phases. Plagioclase–glass and olivine–glassthermometers place the formation of phenocryst cores at ~10 kmdepth in a melt with ~1 wt % H2O, at near-liquidus temperatures(~1150°C). Phenocryst rims and groundmass crystals formedclose to the surface, at 10–40°C melt undercoolingand in an ~10–20°C cooler drier magma (0–0·1wt % H2O), causing an ~10 mol % drop in An content in plagioclase.The shape, internal zoning and number density of groundmasscrystals indicate that they formed under supersaturated conditions.Based on this information, we propose that degassing duringascent had a major role in rapidly undercooling the melt, promptingintensive shallow groundmass crystallization that affected themagma and lava rheology. Petrological and textural differencesbetween tephra and lava reflect variations in the rates of magmaascent and the timing of surface quenching during each eruptiveepisode. That in turn affected the time available for crystallizationand subsequent re-equilibration of the melt to surface (degassed)conditions. During the explosive phases, the rates of magmaascent were high enough to inhibit crystallization, yieldingcrystal-poor tephra. In contrast, pervasive groundmass crystallizationoccurred in the lava, increasing its yield strength and causinga thick rubbly layer to form during flow emplacement. Lava selvagescollected across the flow-field have strikingly homogeneousglass compositions, demonstrating the high thermal efficiencyof fluid lava transport. Cooling is estimated as 0·3°C/km,showing that rubbly surfaced flows can be as thermally efficientas tube-fed pahoehoe lavas. KEY WORDS: lava; crystallization; basalt; cooling rate; pressure; geobarometry; P–T conditions; plagioclase; degassing; Laki, Iceland
Keywords:: lava   crystallization   basalt   cooling rate   pressure   geobarometry   P–  T conditions   plagioclase   degassing   Laki, Iceland
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