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A consistent approach to definitions and symbols in fisheries acoustics
Authors:Maclennan, David N.   Fernandes, Paul G.   Dalen, John
Affiliation:a Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project PO Box 2145, Jinja, Uganda; Fax: +256/0 43 121322; e-mail: unecia{at}source.co.ug
b FRS Marine Laboratory Aberdeen PO Box 101, Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9DB, Scotland, UK
c Havforskingsinstituttet Postboks 1870, Nordnes, 5817, Bergen, Norway; Fax: +47 55 23 85 31; e-mail: John.Dalen{at}imr.no
Keywords:acoustics   definitions   fisheries   ICES   symbols   sonar   units   WGFAST
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