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Stable isotope study of cave percolation waters in subtropical Brazil: Implications for paleoclimate inferences from speleothems
Authors:Francisco W. Cruz, Jr., Ivo Karmann, Oduvaldo Viana, Jr., Stephen J. Burns, Jos   A. Ferrari, Mathias Vuille, Alcides N. Sial,Marcelo Z. Moreira

aInstituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Lago, 562, CEP 05508-080, São Paulo-SP, Brazil

bDepartment of Geosciences, Morril Science Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA, 01002 USA

cInstituto Geologico-SMA, Av. Miguel Stefano 3900, CEP 04301-903, São Paulo, Brazil

dDepartamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, C.P.7852, CEP 50670-000, Recife-PE, Brazil

eCentro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura, Laboratorio de Ecologia Isotopica, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Centenario, 303, CEP 13400970, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil

Abstract:We analyze the interannual monthly variability of oxygen isotope ratios in data from IAEA stations along the Atlantic coast of South America between 23° and 34° S to evaluate the influence of parameters such as temperature, rainfall amount and moisture source contribution on meteoric water recharging two karst systems in subtropical Brazil. In addition, a 2 year monitoring program performed on soil and cave drip and rimstone pool waters from sampling sites with contrasting discharge values and located at 100 and 300 m below the surface in the Santana Cave System (24°31′ S; 48°43′ W), is used to test the influence of hydrologic and geologic features on the temporal variations of seepage water δ18O.

Interannual monthly variations in δ18O of rainfall reflect primarily regional changes in moisture source contribution related to seasonal shifts in atmospheric circulation from a more monsoonal regime in summer (negative values of δ18O) to a more extratropical regime in winter (positive values of δ18O). Variations in groundwater δ18O indicate that the climatic signal of recent rainfall events is rapidly transmitted through the relatively deep karst aquifer to the cave drip waters, regardless of location of collection in the cave. In addition, the data also suggest that water replenishment in the system is triggered by the increase in hydraulic head during periods when recharge exceeds the storage capacity of the soil and epikarst reservoirs. Significant perturbations in the groundwater composition, characterized by more positive values of δ18O, are probably connected to an increased Atlantic moisture contribution associated with extratropical precipitation. This implies that the δ18O of speleothems from caves in this region may be a suitable proxy for studying tropical–extratropical interactions over South America, a feature that is intrinsically related to the global atmospheric circulation.

Keywords:Karst   Speleothem   Stable isotopes   Drip hydrology   Brazil   Paleoclimate
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