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Genesis and evolution of hydrocarbons entrapped in the fluorite deposit of Koh-i-Maran, (North Kirthar Range, Pakistan)
Authors:N. Guilhaumou   N. Ellouz   T. M. Jaswal  P. Mougin
Abstract:The exceptional development of coeval hydrocarbon and aqueous fluid inclusions (FI) in fluorite from the MVT-type ore deposit of Koh-i-Maran, Baluchistan (North Kirthar range, Pakistan), provides samples which are representative of the ore-forming fluid and which support the hypothesis of petroleum migration in the province. Primary brines at 125°C (10 wt% equ. NaCl) and secondary CH4-rich brines at 135°C (7 wt% equ. NaCl), are recognised to be associated with oil migration in the fluid inclusions. They support the model of a per ascensum MVT (Mississippi Valley Type) stratabound hydrothermal deposit. A pressure–temperature path of 120–125°C to 165–200 bars is calculated from microthermometric data and PVT modelling of hydrocarbon FI using the modified Peng–Robinson Equation of State (IFP software) from primary cogenetic inclusions (oil and brines).The composition of gas and oil fractions is obtained by a combination of Synchrotron FTIR microanalysis and gas chromatography performed on individual fluid inclusions. The oil entrapped as a coeval primary fluid phase is a light aliphatic normal oil in the range C8–C35 with a high CO2 content. The brown solid phase found systematically in the oil is probably asphaltene resulting from precipitation after trapping of the heavy fraction, which commonly occurs by decreasing pressure and temperature andor by CO2 injection. Later CH4-rich brine influx probably modified part of the oil in the primary fluid inclusions because degraded oil is observed within such inclusions. Biomarkers obtained by GC-MS analysis indicate a terpane distribution quite similar to the nearest oil seepage in the Gokurt area. This result and the high CO2 content of organic fluid inclusions indicate a restricted/confined sedimentary environment for the source rock, which could correspond to the Eocene Carbonate formation with type-II organic matter. A possible additional input of gas from the Sambar formation is suggested as feasible. The link between the fluid inclusion data and the geodynamic evolution lead us to propose a circulation of basinal fluids driven mainly by the fault system during dewatering in the foredeep. In Pakistan, they are coeval to major compressional NW–SE Oligocene episode in the thrust belt. The origin of the fluorine may be found in the basin sediments as well as near the basement. The brines originated in salt structures recognized in eocambrian at the decollement level, the source rock was already mature.
Keywords:Kirthar Range (Pakistan)   Fluorite deposit   Hydrocarbon fluid inclusions
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