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Analytic base of geodynamo-like scaling laws in the planets,geomagnetic periodicities and inversions
Authors:S V Starchenko
Institution:1. IZMIRAN, Kaluzhskoe hwy 4, Troitsk, Moscow, 142190, Russia
Abstract:Scaling laws for hydromagnetic dynamo in planets initially express the characteristic strength of the magnetic field through the primary values, such as the size of the conductive core of the planet, the angular rotation rate, electrical conductivity and energy flows. Most of the earlier proposed scaling laws based only on observations and assumptions about force balances. Recent and my new approaches to fully take into account the energy and induction balance has additionally expressed here in terms of primary values such important characteristics as forces, magnitudes, energies, scales and orientations of hydromagnetic fields. The direct numerical simulation of the hydromagnetic dynamo and modeling ability in a fairly wide range of parameters for the first time allowed direct test such laws. The obtained numerical geodynamo-like results for the Earth, Jupiter and partially Saturn postulated previously not identified analytically simplest law that predicts the field strength is only depended on the specific energy density of convection and the size of the dynamo area. This simplest and already widely used law was original way analytically grounded here along with other previously known and new laws. This analytic identifies the physics determining geomagnetic periodicities for jerk, secular variations and inversions. Mean period between the inversions is found to be roughly proportional to the intensity of the geomagnetic field that is confirmed by some paleomagnetic researches. Possible dynamos in Mercury, Ganymede, Uranus and Neptune are also discussed.
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