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Late Cretaceous to Miocene and Quaternary deformation history of the Chalk: Channels,slumps, faults,folds and glacitectonics
Authors:Rory N. Mortimore
Affiliation:University of Brighton and ChalkRock Ltd, 32 Prince Edwards Road, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 1 BE, United Kingdom
Abstract:Late Cretaceous Chalk sedimentation history across the British Isles included (i) fault controlled uplift and subsidence in Northern Ireland and the Inner Hebrides and (ii) uplift along the lines of en echelon folds in Southern Britain and northern France. Synsedimentary slump folds and downslope displacement structures are compared with penecontemporaneous interbed slides and later tectonic folds and faults. Compressional strike-slip tectonic processes at Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, illustrate intra-Chalk slump beds in a half-graben setting. Progressive ‘growth’ of structures characterises early downslope slump folding, interbed sliding and some listric faulting. Sheet-flints replacing slide shear planes and early fractures provide evidence for early movements. Availability of open-slopes or the depth of burial under which the range of structures developed is reflected in the degree of disruption and fragmentation of chalk and flint. Fragmentation provides clues to the timing of events and origin of the Late Campanian Altachuile Breccia (Northern Ireland) and the Coniacian Hope Gap slides (Sussex). Fragmentation and formation of sheet flints together help distinguish intra-Chalk tectonics from Quaternary glacitectonic structures.The role of marl seams, high porosity chalk beds and hardgrounds on bed-sliding, décollement zones and disruption of chalk blocks from bedrock in glacitectonics is discussed. Chalk formations with marl seams develop a special style of fracturing related to early interbed sliding and pore-fluid escape structures. Marl-seams are shown to be primary sedimentary features and not the products of post depositional pressure-solution. More than any other formation the Late Santonian – Early Campanian Newhaven Chalk contains extensive sheet-flints and shows great lateral variation in thickness and lithology across the fold belts of southern England and northern France.
Keywords:Late Cretaceous  Chalk  Deformation history  Channels  Slumps  Tectonics  Glacitectonics  Fracturing  Synsedimentary  Penecontemporaneous deformation  Marl seams  Sheet flints
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