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The South Eastern Durance fault permanent network: Preliminary results
Authors:Philippe Volant  Catherine Berge-Thierry  Pierre Dervin  Marc Cushing  Georgianna Mohammadioun  Franck Mathieu
Affiliation:(1) Institut de Protection et de Sûreté, Nucléaire Bureau d'Evaluation des Risques Sismiques pour la Sûreté des Installations Nucléaires, BP6, 92265 Fontenay aux Roses, Cedex, France
Abstract:The Durance fault area is located in South EasternFrance. This fault system is characterized byhistorical earthquakes (one every century, since 1509,with a magnitude between 5.0 and 5.3). This is theonly fault in France with such a periodic historicalseismic activity. In order to study an active fault ina moderate seismic context, the IPSN (Institute forNuclear Safety and Protection) decided to install apermanent network in 1992, surrounding the fault area.Such a permanent seismic network has been installed inthe french Pyrenees in the Arette area (Gagnepain etal., 1980). While the Arette network covers a regionaffected by several major faults, our network isdevoted to the study of the specific Durance fault.Major historical earthquakes are clearly associatedwith this structure. From an instrumental point ofview, few earthquakes have been recorded since 1962with the national network. Our network shows a smallseismic activity, with the epicenters well alignedalong the fault direction. Moreover, focal mechanismscomputed for two events agree with the regionalmicrostructural studies (Cushing et al., 1997).Finally, a study of the shear wave splittingunderlines preferential S wave polarization for twostations. The H/V ratio on noise microtremors has beencomputed for each station in order to check theirpositions in term of site effects. It does not exhibitany amplification effect (except for two stations).The comparisons with H/V ratio on earthquake datasetshow the important biases we can obtain with realearthquakes.
Keywords:Durance fault  focal mechanisms  historical and instrumental seismicity  shear wave splitting  site characterization
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