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Protolith ages and deformation mechanism of metamorphic rocks in the Zhangbaling uplift segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone
Authors:Tian Zhao  Guang Zhu  ShaoZe Lin  LeJia Yan  QinQin Jiang
Affiliation:1. School of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, 230009, China
Abstract:Protolith ages and Indosinian deformation mechanism of metamorphic rocks in the Zhangbaling uplift segment of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone are important, unsolved problems. Our LA-ICP-MS zircon dating work indicates that protolith ages of the greenschist-facies Zhangbaling Group are 754-753 Ma, and those of the amphibolite-facies Feidong Complex are 800-745 Ma. These rocks belong to the earliest cover of the Yangtze Plate. Their ages and metamorphic features suggest that the rocks did not come from the Dabie Orogen. The Indosinian structures in the Zhangbaling Group and lower Sinian strata formed in a flat-lying ductile detachment zone with a shear sense of top-to-the-SSW whereas those in the underlying Feidong Complex are characterized by ENE-WSW inclined folds developed under a ductile regime. It is suggested therefore that the sinistral Tan-Lu Fault Zone of the Indosinian period is buried under the Hefei Basin west of the Zhangbaling uplift segment and the uplift segment is a displaced block neighboring the fault zone. Detachment deformation between the upper rigid and lower ductile crust during displacement of the Zhangbaling uplift segment resulted in the formation of the flat-lying ductile detachment zone and its underlying drag fold zone of a ductile regime. The protolith ages and deformation mechanism in the Zhangbaling uplift segment further prove sinistral origination of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone during the continent-continent collision of the North China and Yangtze plates and support the indentation model for the two-plate collision that considers the Tan-Lu Fault Zone as an oblique convergence boundary.
Keywords:Tan-Lu Fault Zone  Zhangbaling uplift zone  Zhangbaling Group  Feidong Complex  zircon dating  deformation mechanism
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