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引用本文:齐乌云,梁中合,高立兵,贾笑冰,王树芝,王金霞,赵志军. 山东沭河上游史前文化人地关系研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2006, 26(4): 580-588
作者姓名:齐乌云  梁中合  高立兵  贾笑冰  王树芝  王金霞  赵志军
摘    要:山东沭河上游史前文化遗址的聚落考古调查、遗址动植物遗存的浮选、遗址及墓葬出土人骨的同位素微量元素分析和遗址文化层的植物硅酸体分析结果表明,该地区大汶口文化晚期至岳石文化时期的生业活动以农业经济为主,尤以粟、黍、水稻等农作物为主,其中人骨的食性分析结果表明,大汶口晚期的食物结构存在贫富差异,富有者的饮食以大米等C3植物为主,普通老百姓的饮食以小米等C4植物为主。借助GIS,SPSS软件所建立的人类居住场所的选择与自然环境之间的定量关系模型表明,人类居住场所的选择与地貌、水文等自然环境密切相关。坡度越大,遗址存在的概率越小;遗址距离大河流越远,受到洪水灾害的威胁越小,遗址存在的概率越大;遗址距离中等河流的垂直距离、小河流的水平垂直距离越大,人类不便于利用水资源,遗址存在的概率就越小。区域地质地貌考察及孢粉分析结果表明,该地区大汶口文化晚期至岳石文化时期的古气候有温和偏湿—温凉偏湿—冷凉干旱—温凉偏湿的变化过程。古植被主要为以针叶树为主的针阔混交林,但存在针叶林和阔叶林面积来回摆动的情况。暖湿时期人类居住海拔较高,冷干时期人类聚落也随水从高处往低处迁移。大汶口文化晚期及龙山早期阶段的温和适宜的气候条件促进了文化的继承和发展,龙山文化晚期及岳石文化初期出现的冷干气候事件有可能对龙山文化的结束和岳石文化发展进入一个低谷产生了巨大影响。

关 键 词:沭河上游  史前文化  人地关系

Qi Wuyun,Liang Zhonghe,Gao Libing,Jia Xiaobing,Wang Shuzhi,Wang Jinxia,Zhao Zhijun. HUMAN-NATURE RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS OF THE PREHISTORIC CULTURE IN THE UPPER SHU RIVER VALLEY, SHANDONG, CHINA[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(4): 580-588
Authors:Qi Wuyun  Liang Zhonghe  Gao Libing  Jia Xiaobing  Wang Shuzhi  Wang Jinxia  Zhao Zhijun
Affiliation:Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100710
Abstract:Based on field survey of settlement pattern archaeology,geology,and geomorphology,as well as laboratory analyses such as flotation to recover plant remains in the relic,isotope analysis of trace element in unearthed human bones of the relics and tombs,phytolith analysis of samples in the cultural layers of the relics,the current study discloses that the living activity during the period from the Late Dawenkou Culture to the Yueshi Culture in the region was mainly focused on farming,particularly on crops such as millet and rice.The result from bone analyses reveals that there was a food disparity between the rich and the poor.The rich mainly ate C_(3) plants such as rice,the poor mainly ate C_(4) plants such as millet.The quantitative relation model based on GIS and SPSS shows that the choice of settlement sites is closely related with natural conditions such as geomorphology and hydrology.The steeper a slope is,the lower probability relics are found;the longer the distance from a big river is,i.e.,the less chance the threat of flood is,the higher probability relics are found;the shorter the distance from middle-sized and small rivers is,i.e.,the more conveniently the human beings use water resource,the higher probability relics are found.The regional field survey of geology and geomorphology shows that the paleoclimate during the period from the Late Dawenkou Culture to the Yueshi Culture experienced a changing process from mild and wet to cool and wet to cool and dry and to cool and wet.The paleovegetation was mainly conifer and broadleaf mixed forest,however,with conifer dominated forests and broadleaf dominated forests alternative from time to time.In the period of warm and wet climate the human beings lived in the area of higher elevation.As the climate changed into cool and dry,the settlement would migrate to lower place with easier water usage.The climate of warm and wet during the period from the Late Dawenkou Culture to the Early Longshan Culture advanced the cultural inherit and development.But the climate event of cold and dry occurred in the Late Longshan Culture and Early Yueshi Culture probably had a great influence on the ending of the Longshan Culture and the origin of the Yueshi Culture.
Keywords:Upper Shu River region  Dawenkou Culture  Longshan Culture  Yueshi Culture  human-nature relationship
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