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A theory of concentric, kink and sinusoidal folding and of monoclinal flexuring of compressible, elastic multilayers: VII. development of folds within Huasna Syncline, San Luis Obispo County, California
Authors:Arvid M Johnson  Benjamin M Page
Abstract:Folds in the Huasna area of the southern Coast Ranges of California provide an opportunity to study different fold forms and to estimate dimensional and relative rheological properties of rocks at the time of folding. Plunging, concentric-like and chevron-like folds with wavelengths ranging from about 0.1 to 1 km are clearly visible in natural exposures at the south end of the Huasna syncline, which has a wavelength of 12–16 km. Examination of two fresh roadcut exposures in the Miocene Monterey Formation suggests that folding within part of the Monterey was accommodated primarily by layer-parallel slip between structural layers with thicknesses ranging from 30 to 43 m, even though lithologic layers range from a few mm to a few dm in thickness. This part of the Monterey is folded into a series of concentric-like folds, with chevron-like folds at their cores and with a ratio of wavelength to total thickness of layers of about . Theoretical analysis of multilayers, comprised of identical, elastic or elastic—plastic layers with frictionless contacts, indicates that the effective, or weighted-average thickness of structural layers corresponding with an ratio of 0.42 is about 41 m. Thus, the theoretical predictions are roughly in agreement with available data concerning these folds.Thicknesses of structural units in other folds of this area are inadequately known to closely check theoretical predictions, but most of the data are consistent with predictions. An exception is the Huasna syncline which has a larger wavelength than we would predict. There are several likely explanations for this discrepancy. Layers in the underlying Franciscan complex may have taken part in the folding, making our estimates of total thickness too small. The basement rocks may have been much softer, relative to the overlying sedimentary rocks, than we assumed. The Huasna syncline could be partly a result of gravitational instability of relatively low density, Miocene siliceous and porcelaneous shales, overlain by relatively high density, Pliocene sandstones.The Huasna syncline and some of the smaller folds in the Miocene rocks are doubly in the northwest—southeast direction. Further, the maximum compression was approximately normal to the traces of the large faults in this part of California.
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