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引用本文:顾政权, 王昱程, 刘勇勤, 杨晓燕, 陈发虎. 古环境DNA与环境考古[J]. 第四纪研究, 2020, 40(2): 295-306. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2020.02.01
作者姓名:顾政权  王昱程  刘勇勤  杨晓燕  陈发虎
作者单位:1. 中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 北京 100101; 2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049; 3. The Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark 1350; 4. 中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心, 北京 100101; 5. 兰州大学资源环境学院, 教育部西部环境重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000
摘    要:

古环境DNA(ancient environmental DNA,简称ancient eDNA)指保存于古环境样品中的生物古DNA(ancient DNA,简称aDNA)。与直接从古代生物遗存内获取的单一物种古DNA不同,古环境DNA为多种生物的混合DNA,常常以小片段DNA分子形式吸附在腐殖质和矿物颗粒上,主要从粪化石、牙结石、肠道残留物、冰川、冻土、泥炭、湖泊、海洋、洞穴和遗址沉积物等环境样品中获得。古环境DNA研究自1998年开始兴起,经历了早期的DNA条形码(DNA barcoding)古代物种鉴定,到DNA宏条形码(DNA metabarcoding)古代生物类群恢复,再到近期的鸟枪法宏基因组(shotgun metagenomic)古生态系统重建等发展历程,目前已形成了完善的研究体系,可以完成对古环境样品中大部分动物、植物和微生物物种的检测。相比于传统的动植物化石形态鉴定手段,古环境DNA研究具有样品用量少、方法简单快捷、不依赖于化石、一次实验可以确定大量物种信息等优势。目前,国际上的古环境DNA研究在古生态环境重建、古代农业发展、古代人类食性、人类扩散历史和人类活动对环境影响等环境考古领域的应用都取得了良好的进展并发表了大量成果,但国内相关研究还少有报道。本文综述了古环境DNA技术的发展、研究方法、应用方向及存在的问题等内容,认为随着古环境DNA研究技术的日趋完善,其在环境考古学中的应用前景也将更加广阔。

关 键 词:古环境DNA   环境考古   宏条形码   宏基因组学   古生态

Gu Zhengquan, Wang Yucheng, Liu Yongqin, Yang Xiaoyan, Chen Fahu. Ancient environmental DNA and environmental archaeology[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2020, 40(2): 295-306. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2020.02.01
Authors:Gu Zhengquan  Wang Yucheng  Liu Yongqin  Yang Xiaoyan  Chen Fahu
Affiliation:1. Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049; 3. The Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark 1350; 4. CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101; 5. Key Laboratory of Western China's Environment Systems, Ministry of Education, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu
Abstract:Ancient environmental DNA(ancient eDNA)refers to ancient DNA(aDNA)derived from palaeoenvironmental samples.Different from ancient DNA,ancient eDNA contains a mixture of highly fragmented DNA from multiple organisms,and usually attached to humic acids and mineral particles.Ancient eDNA has been found to be preserved in coprolites,dental calculus,gut contents,ice,permafrost,and the sediments from lake,marine,cave and archaeological sites.Ancient eDNA technology started in 1998,and has experienced three stages of development:(1)identifying specific species through DNA barcodes,(2)recovery of certain groups of organisms via DNA metabarcoding,and(3)reconstruction of paleoecosystems using shotgun metagenomics.Compared to the fossil identification methods,the ancient eDNA methods have several advantages such as:less sample consumption,easier operation,no demand for fossils,and more species information revealed from one sample.Therefore,the ancient eDNA methods have been widely applied in many fields of environmental archaeology,including palaeoecological reconstruction,ancient human diet,ancient agricultural development,ancient human migrations,as well as anthropogenic environmental change.In this paper,we review the development,research methods,application directions and existing problems of ancient eDNA technology.We conclude that with the improvement of ancient eDNA technology,its application in environmental archaeology would be more promising.
Keywords:ancient eDNA  environmental archaeology  DNA metabarcoding  shotgun metagenomics  paleoecology
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