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Calculation and visualisation of future glacier extent in the Swiss Alps by means of hypsographic modelling
Authors:F. Paul, M. Maisch, C. Rothenbü  hler, M. Hoelzle,W. Haeberli
Affiliation:aDepartment of Geography, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland;bAcademia Engiadina, Quadratscha 18, CH-7503 Samedan, Switzerland
Abstract:The observed rapid glacier wastage in the European Alps during the past 20 years already has strong impacts on the natural environment (rock fall, lake formation) as well as on human activities (tourism, hydro-power production, etc.) and poses several new challenges also for glacier monitoring. With a further increase of global mean temperature in the future, it is likely that Alpine glaciers and the high-mountain environment as an entire system will further develop into a state of imbalance. Hence, the assessment of future glacier geometries is a valuable prerequisite for various impact studies. In order to calculate and visualize in a consistent manner future glacier extent for a large number of individual glaciers (> 100) according to a given climate change scenario, we have developed an automated and simple but robust approach that is based on an empirical relationship between glacier size and the steady-state accumulation area ratio (AAR0) in the Alps. The model requires digital glacier outlines and a digital elevation model (DEM) only and calculates new glacier geometries from a given shift of the steady-state equilibrium line altitude (ELA0) by means of hypsographic modelling. We have calculated changes in number, area and volume for 3062 individual glacier units in Switzerland and applied six step changes in ELA0 (from + 100 to + 600 m) combined with four different values of the AAR0 (0.5, 0.6, 0.67, 0.75). For an AAR0 of 0.6 and an ELA0 rise of 200 m (400 m) we calculate a total area loss of − 54% (− 80%) and a corresponding volume loss of − 50% (− 78%) compared to the 1973 glacier extent. In combination with a geocoded satellite image, the future glacier outlines are also used for automated rendering of perspective visualisations. This is a very attractive tool for communicating research results to the general public. Our study is illustrated for a test site in the Upper Engadine (Switzerland), where landscape changes above timberline play an important role for the local economy. The model is seen as a first-step approach, where several parts can be (and should be) further developed.
Keywords:glacier change   Alps   hypsography   ELA0 shift   steady-state AAR   simple model
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