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A submillimetre survey of the kinematics of the Perseus molecular cloud – I. Data
Authors:Emily I. Curtis  John S. Richer   Jane V. Buckle
Affiliation:Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, J. J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE;Kavli Institute for Cosmology, c/o Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA
Abstract:We present submillimetre observations of the   J = 3 → 2  rotational transition of 12CO, 13CO and C18O across over 600 arcmin2 of the Perseus molecular cloud, undertaken with the Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), a new array spectrograph on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The data encompass four regions of the cloud, containing the largest clusters of dust continuum condensations: NGC 1333, IC348, L1448 and L1455. A new procedure to remove striping artefacts from the raw HARP data is introduced. We compare the maps to those of the dust continuum emission mapped with the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA; Hatchell et al.) and the positions of starless and protostellar cores (Hatchell et al.). No straightforward correlation is found between the masses of each region derived from the HARP CO and SCUBA data, underlining the care that must be exercised when comparing masses of the same object derived from different tracers. From the 13CO/C18O line ratio the relative abundance of the two species  ([13CO]/[C18O]∼ 7)  and their opacities (typically τ is 0.02–0.22 and 0.15–1.52 for the C18O and 13CO gas, respectively) are calculated. C18O is optically thin nearly everywhere, increasing in opacity towards star-forming cores but not beyond  τ18∼ 0.9  . Assuming the 12CO gas is optically thick, we compute its excitation temperature, T ex (around 8–30 K), which has little correlation with estimates of the dust temperature.
Keywords:stars: formation    ISM: individual: Perseus    ISM: kinematics and dynamics    submillimetre
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