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引用本文:郭建强, 曹俊. 四川康定县玉农希钙华景观及其水循环系统[J]. 地球学报, 2009, (3): 345-353. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1006-3021.2009.03.008
作者姓名:郭建强  曹俊
摘    要:地处康定县贡嘎山西侧的玉农希钙华景观是继九寨沟、黄龙钙华景观发现之后又一具有世界遗产潜质的高寒岩溶风景地.本次调查工作是四川省国土资源厅安排的四川省重点地质遗迹保护可行性规划的第二批项目.项目首次对玉农希钙华景观进行了较系统的调查研究,从地质遗迹景观及形成景观的水循环的角度查明了钙华景观的特征,剖析其景观形成的水循环系统,进而作了区域性对比分析,初步探索其形成机理与演化规律.玉农希钙华具有极高的科学价值、美学价值和观赏价值,可与九寨、黄龙媲美,必须采取科学、合理的措施对其加以保护.

关 键 词:钙华景观   地质背景   水循环   形成演化   对比分析   玉农希   四川

Yulongxi Travertine Landscape in Kangding County of Sichuan Province and Its Related Hydrological Cycle System
Yulongxi Travertine Landscape in Kangding County of Sichuan Province and Its Related Hydrological Cycle System[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2009, (3): 345-353. doi: 10.3321/j.issn:1006-3021.2009.03.008
Authors:GUO Jiang-qiang and CAO Jun
Affiliation:ichuan Geopark & Geological Relics Survey and Assessment Center, Chengdu;ichuan Geopark & Geological Relics Survey and Assessment Center, Chengdu
Abstract:The Yulongxi travertine landscape in west Gongga Mountain of Kangding County may be regarded as another subnival belt karst landscape with the worldwide heritage potential value following Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong. The survey is the second batch of projects for important geological heritage protection feasibility planning in Sichuan arranged by Bureau of Land and Resources of Sichuan Province. The authors investigated for the first time the Yulongxi travertine landscape and studied geological heritage landscape characteristics and hydrological cycle systems. On such a basis, a regional comparative analysis was made, and the formation mechanism and evolutionary regularity of the landscape were tentatively discussed. The Yulongxi travertine landscape has con-siderable scientific, aesthetic and visual values and can compare well with Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong. It is hence very necessary to protect this landscape with scientific and rational measures.
Keywords:travertine landscape   geological background   hydrological cycle   formation and evolution   comparative analysis   Yulongxi   Sichuan
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