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引用本文:吕君昌. 达尔文翼龙的发现及其意义[J]. 地球学报, 2010, (2): 129-136.
基金项目:973项目(编号: 2006CB701405)和中国地质科学院地质研究所所长基金(编号: J0703)
摘    要:达尔文翼龙为中等大小的翼龙类,发现于辽宁省建昌县玲珑塔中侏罗世髫髻山组,是目前已知唯一由原始类群(非翼手龙类)向进步类群(翼手龙类)演化的过渡类型.它既具有原始类群的特征:比如尾长,多于20节尾椎椎体,且尾椎椎体由极度加长的、纤细的前后关节突及脉弧所包裹,构成一僵硬的尾部,第五脚趾具有两个长的趾节;又具有进步类群的特征:比如头骨加长,鼻孔和眶前孔愈合为一大的鼻眶前孔,颈椎椎体长,没有或者颈肋退化;翼掌骨与肱骨的比率介于原始类群和进步类群之间.达尔文翼龙的发现具有重要意义,它填补了由原始翼龙类向进步翼龙类演化的空白,为生物宏观演化(模块演化)机制-即组成生物体的模块在短时间内共同演化提供例证.从达尔文翼龙的骨骼结构变化上看,空中丰富的食物来源(比如飞行能力差的、带羽毛的恐龙、滑翔的哺乳动物、小的翼龙及昆虫等),可能为导致翼龙头骨和颈部首先演化的原因之一.达尔文翼龙的发现,有可能打破对翼龙类传统分为两大类的方法.

关 键 词:达尔文翼龙   过渡类型   中侏罗世   辽西

The Discovery of Darwinopterus and Its Significance
The Discovery of Darwinopterus and Its Significance[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 2010, (2): 129-136.
Affiliation:Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Abstract:Darwinopterus, a medium-sized pterosaur, was found in the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation of Linglengta, Jianchang County, western Liaoning Province. It is the only known transitional form from basal pterosaurs to pterodactyloids, and shares both primitive and derived characteristics. The primitive characteristics include long tail with more than 20 caudal vertebrae, which are surrounded by thin rod-like extensions of the zygapophyses and chevrons, and the fifth toe bearing two long digits, whereas the derived characteristics (pterodactyloid characteristics) include an elongated skull with antorbital and nasal openings fused into a large nasoantorbital fenestra, long cervical vertebrae with reduced or absent cervical ribs. The length ratio of the wing metacarpal to the humerus is between the basal pterosaurs and pterodactyloids. The discovery of Darwinopterus is highly significant, because it fills the gap between non-pterodactyloids and pterodactyloids and provides evidence of biological macroevolution mechanism (modular evolution theory), i.e., the entire modules, or groups of body features, evolved together within a relatively short period of time. In terms of the fundamental restructuring of the pterosaur bauplan, the high diversity of food sources from the air (such as feathered dinosaurs, gliding mammals, small pterosaurs and insects) might have been one of the causes responsible for the first evolution of the skull and neck. The discovery of Darwinopterus may challenge the traditional and simple classification of pterosaurs into two groups.
Keywords:Darwinopterus   transitional form   middle Jurassic   western Liaoning
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