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Stable isotope fractionation between mollusc shells and marine waters from Martinique Island
Authors:Christophe Lé  cuyer,Bruno Reynard
Affiliation:a Laboratoire UMR CNRS 5125 “Paléoenvironnements and Paléobiosphère”, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Campus de la Doua, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France
b Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, UMR CNRS 5570, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46 Allée d'Italie, F-69364 Lyon, France
Abstract:Forty-nine aragonitic and calcitic shells from 14 species of marine tropical molluscs (Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polyplacophora) and ambient waters from Martinique have been analyzed for their carbon and oxygen isotope compositions. Mineralogy of shells was systematically determined by Raman spectroscopy that reveals composite shell structures and early processes of diagenetic alteration. In mangrove, brackish waters result from the mixing between 89±1% of seawater and 11±1% of freshwater, a hydrological budget quantified by both oxygen isotope and salinity mass balance calculations. Mollusc shells from the mangrove environment (S=31‰; δ18O=0.5‰) are characterized by mean δ13C values (−1.2‰) lower than those (+2.6‰) living in the open sea (S=35‰; δ18O=1‰). These low carbon isotope compositions result from the oxidation of organic matter into bicarbonate ions used in the building of mollusc shells. The oxygen isotope compositions of the studied mollusc species are mainly controlled by the temperature and composition of seawater whereas the role of the so-called “vital effects” is negligible. Contrasting with carbon isotopes, variability in the δ18O values among and within species of mollusc shells is very low (1σ=0.15) for a given littoral environment. Using ambient temperatures of seawater (28-30 °C), oxygen isotope fractionations between all studied living species and environmental waters match those extrapolated from the fractionation equation established for molluscs by Grossman and Ku [Chem. Geol., Isot. Geosci. Sect. 59 (1986) 59] in the range 3-20 °C. By analyzing calcite and aragonite layers from the same shell or by comparing shells from different species living in the same environment, there is no evidence that oxygen isotope fractionation between aragonite and water differs from that between calcite and water. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the oxygen isotope compositions of shells from most fossil mollusc species are suitable to estimate past seawater temperatures at any paleolatitude.
Keywords:Stable isotopes   Thermometry   Seawater   Bivalve   Gastropod
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