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Mineralogy and Petrology of the Aries Diamondiferous Kimberlite Pipe, Central Kimberley Block, Western Australia
Authors:EDWARDS, D.   ROCK, N. M. S.   TAYLOR, W. R.   GRIFFIN, B. J.   RAMSAY, R. R.
Affiliation:1Key Centre for Strategic Mineral Deposits, University of Western Australia Nedlands 6009, WA
2Electron Microscopy Centre, University of Western Australia Nedlands 6009, WA
Abstract:Aries is a deeply weathered micaceous kimberlite pipe (~820 Ma)consisting of four lobes: South, Central, North, and North Extension.It is the largest (~ 18 ha) and most diamondiferous of the fewkimberlites currently known on the Australian continent, andis rich in country-rock (dolerite and quartzite) xenoliths.Three textural varieties of Aries kimberlites can be recognized,together with autoclastic breccias: (1) macrocrystalmedium-grained;(2) aphanitic (5 vol. % olivine macrocrysts); and (3) macrocrystalsegregated. The kimberlites contain two generations of olivinepseudomorphs (30–40 vol. %), and two of phlogopite (upto 60 vol. %), in a groundmass of apatite, calcite, diopside,sphene, spinels, serpentine, talc, and accessory groundmassminerals including aeschynite [(Ce, Ca) (Ti, Nb)2O6], barite,ilmenite, monazite, rutile, siderite, and unidentified Nb-Fe-titanates.Phlogopite zoning is complex and differs from lobe to lobe,but general compositions and trends resemble phlogopites fromkimberlites (TiO2 0–5–4 wt. %, A12O3 9–16%);tetraferriphlogopite substitution is indicated by low Al insome grains. Diopside is low in Cr, Al, Na, and Ti, with highmg-number [molecular Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ~ 93]. Apatite contains upto 17–5% SrO, calcite up to 1–7% SrO but littleMgO or FeO, sphene up to 1.5% Nb2O5, and ilmenite 2.6% Nb2O5and 16% MnO but no detectable MgO. Extremely complex moqftiological, textural, and compositionalvariations are present in spinels. They can be divided intofive textural-genetic types: cognate Groundmass chromian spinels(Type G); Inclusions of chromian spinels in olivine macrocrysts(Type I), probably representing either early phenocrysts ormantle xenocrysts: Macrocryst chromian spinels (Type M), probablyrepresenting xenocrysts; late-stage groundmass Fenian spinels(Type F), derived from serpentinization of olivine; Alterationferrian spinels (Type A), found as inclusions associated withsiliceous melt inclusions, in Types I and M, and probably representinginteraction of these earlier types with late-stage melts. Someof these, particularly Types M and F, show further texturalsub-types with no obvious genetic significance. The pipe formed from several magma-pulses. All four lobes maycontain at least one pulse in common, but Central and SouthLobes include additional pulse(s) which yielded distinctivephlogopite zoning, whereas North Lobe and North Extension includepulsc(s) which may have originated at higher mantle levels andyielded more evolved phlogopites. Aries most resembles South African Group II kimberlites mineralogically,certain West African micaceous kimberlites geochemically, andGroup I kimberlites isotopically. A distinctive mantle source-regionis implied by high Nb/U, Ce/Sr, Ce/P, Rb/Ba, and especiallyNb/Zr ratios. Similar anomalous geochemical signatures are sharedwith two other contemporaneous (~800 Ma) lampro-phyric intrusionsin the east Kimberley (at Maude Creek and Bow Hill), suggestingthat a scattered alkaline province exists in the Kimberley Block,generated from a regionally anomalous mantle source.
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