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Model analysis of the measured concentration of organic gases in the Norwegian Arctic
Authors:Ivar S. A. Isaksen  Øystein Hov  Stuart A. Penkett  Arne Semb
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Geophysics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway;(2) Present address: NCAR, 80307 Boulder, Co., USA;(3) Norwegian Institute for Air Research, P. O. Box 130, N-2001 Lillestrøm, Norway;(4) Environmental and Medical Sciences Division, AERE, OX11 ORA Harwell, Oxon, UK
Abstract:A 2-D meridional model for the chemistry and transport in the troposphere is used to study the seasonal variation of the concentration of organic gases like C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C6H6, C7H8. CHCl3 and C2Cl4 at high latitudes. The anthropogenic sources for these species were estimated, and the temporal and latitudinal distribution of OH and O3 was calculated using a complex photochemical reaction system. There is fair agreement between the calculated annual variation and the measured concentrations for C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C7H8 and C2Cl4 at Spitsbergen during July 1982 and March/April 1983, with a distinct late winter maximum and summer minimum. For CHCl3, the direct anthropogenic source is minor compared to indirect anthropogenic or natural sources. For benzene, emission in car exhaust is important, but other anthropogenic sources are required for the calculations to agree with the measurements. Measured C2H4 and C3H6 concentrations are much higher than the calculated ones based on anthropogenic emissions, and show opposite seasonal trends. This indicates biogenic sources for these compounds.A buildup of PAN (ap300 pptv) is calculated at high latitudes during winter. This makes it the dominant source for NOx as the temperature increases in the spring. NOx is found to be a limiting factor for O3 production at high latitudes during spring.
Keywords:Arctic pollution  Hydrocarbons  Halocarbons  Global model
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