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Geology,stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis-bearing Quaternary palaeolake(s) of Gorzów Wielkopolski (NW Poland,Central Europe)
Authors:Artur Sobczyk  Ryszard K. Borówka  Janusz Badura  Renata Stachowicz-Rybka  Julita Tomkowiak  Anna Hrynowiecka  Joanna Sławińska  Michał Tomczak  Mateusz Pitura  Mariusz Lamentowicz  Piotr Kołaczek  Monika Karpińska-Kołaczek  Dariusz Tarnawski  Marcin Kadej  Piotr Moska  Marek Krąpiec  Krzysztof Stachowicz  Bartosz Bieniek  Krzysztof Siedlik  Małgorzata Bąk  Jan van der Made  Adam Kotowski  Krzysztof Stefaniak
Affiliation:1. Department of Structural Geology and Geological Mapping, Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wroclaw, Wrocław, Poland;2. Geology and Palaeogeography Unit, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland;3. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Lower Silesia Branch, Wrocław, Poland;4. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland;5. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Marine Geology Branch, Gdańsk, Poland;6. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Pomeranian Branch, Szczecin, Poland;7. smartcarto.com, Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland;8. Department of Biogeography and Palaeoecology, Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poznań, Poland;9. Department of Invertebrate Biology, Evolution and Conservation, Institute of Environmental Biology, University of Wroclaw, Wrocław, Poland;10. Division of Radioisotopes, Institute of Physics, Centre for Science and Education, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland;11. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Kraków, Poland;12. Palaeoceanography Unit, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland;13. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain;14. Department of Palaeozoology, Institute of Environmental Biology, University of Wroclaw, Wrocław, Poland
Abstract:The sedimentary succession exposed in the Gorzów Wielkopolski area includes Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) or Early Weichselian (MIS 5d–e) deposits. The sedimentary sequence has been the object of intense interdisciplinary study, which has resulted in the identification of at least two palaeolake horizons. Both yielded fossil remains of large mammals, alongside pollen and plant macrofossils. All these proxies have been used to reconstruct the environmental conditions prevailing at the time of deposition, as well as to define the geological context and the biochronological position of the fauna. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of the glaciofluvial layers of the GS3 succession to 123.6 ± 10.1 (below the lower palaeolake) and 72.0 ± 5.2 ka (above the upper palaeolake) indicate that the site formed during the Middle–Late Pleistocene (MIS 6 – MIS 5). Radiocarbon-dating of the lacustrine organic matter revealed a tight cluster of Middle Pleniglacial Period (MIS 3) ages in the range of ~41–32 ka cal bp (Hengelo – Denekamp Interstadials). Holocene organic layers have also been found, with 14C ages within a range of 4330–4280 cal bp (Neolithic). Pollen and plant macrofossil records, together with sedimentological and geochemical data, confirm the dating to the Eemian Interglacial.
Keywords:Eemian Interglacial  OSL dating  palynology and macrofossil analysis  Quaternary stratigraphy  radiocarbon dating
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