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引用本文:吕修祥,白忠凯,谢玉权,杨先茂. 塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪地区油气勘探前景再认识[J]. 沉积学报, 2014, 32(4): 766-775
作者姓名:吕修祥  白忠凯  谢玉权  杨先茂
摘    要:柯坪地区地面油苗分布层系多、范围广,发育寒武系、奥陶系、石炭系、二叠系多套烃源岩,该区经历了大规模油气成藏过程和强烈的破坏作用,油气勘探最关键的风险因素是保存条件。从保存的角度看,寒武系膏盐岩是一套优质盖层,膏盐层与盐间及盐下碳酸盐岩、玉尔吐斯组烃源岩构成良好的生储盖组合。青松采石场奥陶系轻质油流揭示现今可能有碳酸盐岩残留油气藏存在,美国中部地台区辛辛那提隆起奥陶系浅层油藏就是例证。地面油苗中,石炭-二叠系碳酸盐岩中的出露点最多,且礁灰岩储集性能好,在埋藏区可能得到保存。基于地面调查难以进一步深化认识和推动勘探,建议评价选择地质目标实施钻探。目前经济技术条件下比较现实的目标为:萨拉姆布拉克背斜构造,落实寒武系膏盐岩及玉尔吐斯组烃源岩,了解盐间及盐下含油气性;青松采石场奥陶系碳酸盐岩残留油气藏分布区;皮羌村西南哈拉峻盆地石炭-二叠系礁灰岩目的层。

关 键 词:柯坪冲断带   寒武系膏盐岩   奥陶系残留油藏   石炭- 二叠系礁灰岩

Reconsideration on Petroleum Exploration Prospects in the Kalpin Thrust Belt of Northwestern Tarim Basin
Abstract:The Kalpin area develops multilayer source rocks of Cambrian, Ordovician, Carboniferous and Permian. The oil seepages are distributed widely with multiple layers. The Kalpin area underwent a large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation and destructive process. The preservation conditions are the key factors for petroleum exploration activity. As a high-quality caprock, the Cambrian salt-gypsum rock constitutes a good combination with the source rock of Yuertusi Formation, and the carbonate reservoir of inter-salt and subsalt. The light oil seepages of outcrop in Qingsong Ordovician stone pit indicate the possible presence of residual carbonate reservoirs, and Cincinnatian reservoir of the Central plateau uplift in the USA is a good example for the shallow reservoir. The oil seeps are mostly outcropped in the Carboniferous and Permian, and oil and gas reservoir may be preserved with good reservoir performance of Carboniferous and Permian biolithite in the burial area. The field investigation is difficult to further deepen the understanding and exploration in Kalpin thrust belt, and well drilling is necessary after the evaluation and selection of geological targets. Under the current economic and technological conditions, three geological targets are more realistic: Salamubulake anticline is needed to understand the Cambrian salt-gypsum rock, source rock of Yuertusi Formaiton, and oil possibilities in the carbonate reservoir of inter-salt and subsalt; the residual reservoir distribution in the Qingsong Ordovician stone pit; the reef limestone of Carboniferous and Permian in the Halajun Basin in the southwest of Piqiang village.
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