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The Ushnus in the astronomy of the Inca culture
Authors:Milton Rojas Gamarra  Mônica Baptista Pereira Estrázulas  Steven R Gullberg  César A Zen Vasconcellos
Institution:1. Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC), Cusco, Peru;2. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil;3. The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Abstract:Inferences are made about the relationship that existed between the Ushnus, pyramid-shaped, terraced structures used by the Incas in the most important ceremonies of the Tawantinsuyo, and Inka Astronomy. We draw attention to Ayni, Kawsaypacha, Duality, and Tinkuy principles, multidimensional codes of conduct and wisdom that are at the root of the Andean cosmovision and on their perception of the world and the Cosmos. These principles, examined as postulates, allow to elaborate axiomatic propositions to identify the Ushnus with ancient Astronomy practices. In a complementary statement, starting from a bi-conditional proposition, we may infer through reciprocal corollaries that the Inka earliest roots to a holistic learning and educational ambient in the Tawantinsuyo was not elitist, instead it was based on a epistemological construct that differs from the corresponding Western educational ambients. An epistemological and cognitive approach allows to identify an ancient elaborate process of knowledge construction, based on the four fundamental principles, corresponding to different levels of assimilation and comprehension. As a complementary aspect, we identify some of the most preserved Ushnus of the Inka “Empire.” Then we complement this contribution with a broader interpretation for the Ushnus.
Keywords:Ushnus  Ayni  Tawantinsuyo  Inka  Kawsaypacha  Tinkuy
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